"Vestal Virgins, Soul-Sucking Shapeshifters & a Clowder of Cats!" - STEPHEN KING'S SLEEPWALKERS (1992)
Well, enough about me. Let's talk about SLEEPWALKERS!
Join me, Patrick Walsh, and my guest, everyone's favorite New York City-based undead horror host Unkle Spooky on a deranged deep dive into the delicious chaos that is STEPHEN KING'S SLEEPWALKERS, a film as taboo and flawed as it is wildly entertaining.
Tanya and Charles are the perfect All-American high school couple about to go on their first date. Unfortunately for Tanya, Charles and his mother are unkillable incestuous shapeshifting werecats who feed on the souls of young virgins, and Tanya is next on their menu!
Will Tanya fall prey to these kinky beasts? Or is there an adorable four-legged hero somewhere who knows the one thing that can stop this monstrous duo forever?
Look, I know this movie is a hot mess, but I still love it, warts and all, because hiding under all the absurdity, there's true greatness just waiting for someone to find it.
And that someone is ME.
SLEEPWALKERS was directed by Mick Garris, written by Stephen King and stars Mädchen Amick, Brian Krause, Alice Krige and Ron Perlman.
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Speaker A:Learn more@univozpods.net hello, my name's Patrick and I'm a scream queen.
Speaker A:I'm a scream queen.
Speaker A:And so are you.
Speaker A:Hello again, my beautiful screamers, and welcome to another episode of Scream Queens.
Speaker A:It's the podcast where horror gets gay.
Speaker A: This is episode: Speaker A:Get ready.
Speaker A:Cause we're heading down to Homeland Cemetery for a hot, steamy makeout session.
Speaker A: , because we're watching that: Speaker A:Stephen King, Sleepwalkers.
Speaker A:Now, I know lots of you people hate this movie.
Speaker A:I know.
Speaker A:And you know what?
Speaker A:I don't care.
Speaker A:I love it.
Speaker A:The world's ending, so I'm talking about it.
Speaker A:Anyway, that's why I needed a very particular special guest.
Speaker A:He is perhaps the only person on the face of the planet who hasn't seen the movie before.
Speaker A:So he's not saddled with any of your shitty, preconceived notion.
Speaker A:You've met him before, you love him.
Speaker A:He's beloved, he's beleaguered, he's blue, blue, blue.
Speaker A:Because he's dead, dead, dead.
Speaker A:That's right.
Speaker A:I'm talking about New York City's favorite unalive horror host, Unc Spooky.
Speaker A:But wait, before we do any of that, please allow me to introduce myself.
Speaker A: Patrick Walsh, and ever since: Speaker A:But, little Pickle, you're gonna have to see that.
Speaker A:They're my very, very, very gay little eyes.
Speaker A:So.
Speaker A:Hello again, everybody.
Speaker A:Welcome back.
Speaker A:It's so great to be here with you again doing another show.
Speaker A:I hope you're doing fabulously.
Speaker A:I know things are stressful right now, so maybe even if you're not doing fabulously, I hope that for the next 90 minutes or so, you, troubles aside and relax and laugh and not think about them for just a little bit.
Speaker A:Because I know it's like all day, every day, lately it's just blah, blah, blah, blah.
Speaker A:But for the next 90 minutes, let's just go.
Speaker A:Forget it.
Speaker A:Because after all, life may be tough right now, but hey, at least an incestuous cat, vampire, monsters, and trying to suck your soul out, right?
Speaker A:That's something.
Speaker A:Now, I know some of you are sitting out there going, patrick, didn't you cover this movie on the show already?
Speaker A:To which I will say, yes, I did cover this movie.
Speaker A:Already.
Speaker A:But no, it wasn't on the show.
Speaker A:I went on over Creepy Kitsch to talk about it.
Speaker A:I talked about it with Cindy and Stacy.
Speaker A:They didn't come here to talk about things, but for once, they invited me to their house.
Speaker A:And you know what?
Speaker A:They ganged up on me because they both didn't like the movie.
Speaker A:And you know what?
Speaker A:When Cindy and Stacy gang up on you, it's a lot.
Speaker A:So I had a fight, vehemently for the honor of this stupid, stupid movie.
Speaker A:Now, now the scream queens is coming to an end.
Speaker A:Now that the show's going off the air, I wanted a moment to just air my feelings about this my own way, with someone who had no preconceived notions where I could dominate their thoughts.
Speaker A:Okay, I wanted to control the narrative because everybody else is doing it.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker A:Of course.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker A:But seriously, I love the movie watch and all, and I wanted to talk about it before things wrapped up here.
Speaker A:End of story.
Speaker A:Except I know damn well that some of you are sitting out there going, patrick, what is it with sleepwalkers that you love so much?
Speaker A:Well, cats, to be perfectly honest, I, I, I gotta love a movie where cats are supernatural heroes because there's such a mystery to them and cats are often so portrayed so negatively in films and in media and just in general that anything that elevates like this makes me very happy.
Speaker A:And yes, I am well aware that, as Cindy from Creepy Kids would say, this movie has flaws.
Speaker A:The first thing I said to Uncle Spooky when I signed him on to talk about this film, I said, this is not a good movie.
Speaker A:It's not a good movie.
Speaker A:But there's greatness in there.
Speaker A:There's some stuff that's just truly wonderful that gets kind of lost in between all this other stuff.
Speaker A:But if you push all that other stuff aside to go, you know what?
Speaker A:That is pretty fabulous.
Speaker A:You know me, I like finding the diamond in the shit, Bo.
Speaker A:Right?
Speaker A:Remember that old thing I used to say all the time?
Speaker A:There's diamonds in the shit pile, so dig a bit.
Speaker A:You know what?
Speaker A:I don't even have to, because I'm gonna dig for you.
Speaker A:Now, unfortunately, Stephen King Sleepwalkers is not streaming for free anywhere that I could find.
Speaker A:But patrons, check your inbox, Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, if you know what I mean.
Speaker A:But hopefully you can find a copy somewhere to watch, because I think it's great if you haven't seen it before.
Speaker A:And if you have seen it before, maybe you'll see it a little differently after Uncle Spooky.
Speaker A:And I get through with it.
Speaker A:Or maybe you won't.
Speaker A:I don't really care because I'm doing.
Speaker A:I'm doing what I want to.
Speaker A:Now the scream queens is coming to an end.
Speaker A:It's a free for all until I'm done.
Speaker A:Do I sound desperate and weird?
Speaker A:Yes, I do.
Speaker A:That means I should probably start the show.
Speaker A:So everybody sit back, relax while I play the intro to Sleepwalkers and bring on Uncle Spooky so we can get down to business.
Speaker C:Charles Brady is new in town.
Speaker C:You can actually talk to.
Speaker D:Yeah, he's nice, Real nice.
Speaker C:The girls all like him.
Speaker C:The teachers all respect him.
Speaker C:Your teachers in O How must have been.
Speaker C:Sorry to lose such a creative young man.
Speaker B:The parents all trust him.
Speaker A:He's yay charming.
Speaker A:Yay.
Speaker A:But nobody really knows him.
Speaker A:That felt good.
Speaker A:Finally getting to talk about this movie after so long was like getting a hair bullet.
Speaker A: Been stuck in my system since: Speaker A:Blast.
Speaker A:I can go on with my life.
Speaker A:Thank you again for Uncle Spooky.
Speaker A:It was super fun hanging out with you.
Speaker A:And oh, hey, the session where I sat down with Uncle Spooky, we recorded that weeks ago.
Speaker A:So all that information he gave about his shows, a lot of it obsolete now.
Speaker A:So let me refresh you.
Speaker A:If you want to see Uncle Spooky live, you want to see what he does in person, you got to come to Richmond, Queens, because every last Sunday of the month, he's at the Flying Fox Tavern hosting his Spookarama scary movie night, where not only do we get to watch a super scary movie with Uncle Spooky, you get to play blood bingo for yourself.
Speaker A:For real.
Speaker A:And maybe if you're lucky, you can eat inside Uncle Spooky's bag of secrets and take out a prize.
Speaker A:But if you don't live anywhere in New York City, you can still participate because every single Monday night, Uncle Spooky hosts a stay at home Spookarama over zoom.
Speaker A:But it's a super secret Spookorama, so you're gonna have to follow Uncle Spooky on Instagram in order to get that info.
Speaker A:And it's links right down here in the show.
Speaker A:Of course.
Speaker A:This summer, island people choice in the Flag Fox Tavern live out on Fire Island.
Speaker A:I don't have any.
Speaker A:It's pretty much straightforward because you know me, I can't get enough.
Speaker A:It's a terrible movie.
Speaker A:I know that, but I love it.
Speaker A:As I said last time, I wanted to talk about this movie for so long, and it was never the right time.
Speaker A:We're gonna have a great time doing.
Speaker A:You know why?
Speaker A:Because my very special guest realized, you know, my gcs, wherever you may be, please welcome back to the screen, please.
Speaker A:Microphone.
Speaker A:Eat that out of her.
Speaker A:They killed it.
Speaker A:Anyway, so whatever.
Speaker A:That's my big observation.
Speaker A:That's all I got.
Speaker A:It's pretty straightforward movie.
Speaker A:There's lots of thoughts about what's going on in the world right now, but I promise we're going to do that this time.
Speaker A:No, we're not going to talk about any of that this time.
Speaker A:But please, I just want you to take care of yourself.
Speaker B:Do what you need to do to.
Speaker A:Take care of yourself, whatever that may be.
Speaker A:I think kickboxing just starting next week.
Speaker A:Because you never know.
Speaker B:That's just my aura.
Speaker A:Because you never know when it's going to come in handy.
Speaker A:But so anyway, I thought it was.
Speaker A:Aside from all that other stuff, what's going on in this final episode.
Speaker A:So happy to have you.
Speaker A:But that's okay.
Speaker A:That's okay.
Speaker A:But I'll tell you the guests that are going to be these final episodes.
Speaker B:That have lined up so far.
Speaker A:I couldn't end the show without having Allison and Brian back on.
Speaker A:So you host movies from California for very different reasons.
Speaker A:Because I think with Alison and Brian, we're gonna get a fun first watch and of course, intellectual deeper conversation on why do the gays love this movie so much.
Speaker A:I did not say goodbye to my two favorite heterosexuals.
Speaker A:When I get home, I have to watch my.
Speaker B:And here's the funny thing.
Speaker A:We're going to talk about this movie called Beavers.
Speaker A:But we discovered that it's really hard because it's a great movie, but for me, talk about beaver.
Speaker A:So instead we're going to be talking about the Please Don't Destroy movie, the Legend of Foggy Mountain, the Treasure of Fogging Mountain.
Speaker A:Whenever something.
Speaker A:Something of Foggy Mountain that's on trivia.
Speaker A:And why are you picking that?
Speaker A:Patrick, it's not a horror movie.
Speaker A:And this is the closest vibe to.
Speaker B:Oh, okay.
Speaker A:Dave made a maze to those boys.
Speaker A:And of course I want to say goodbye to the original dynamic duo.
Speaker A:The first two guests that really clicked on the show.
Speaker A:It took it to a new place.
Speaker A:I'm talking about everyone's faded for some reason.
Speaker A: We were Talking about this: Speaker A:Everybody's a dead guy.
Speaker B:Out of the will.
Speaker A:And then all the other.
Speaker A:All the other benefactors of the will start getting knocked off in really, really bizarre ways.
Speaker A:And you know how I love A house full of rich cunts that hate each other.
Speaker A:It's one of those movies, it's a rare movie that I think also knows the Shut up me all the time.
Speaker A:I only met him recently.
Speaker A:I, I, I've known him forever.
Speaker A:I only met him recently.
Speaker A:But all that babble that I just battled at the Fog movie night.
Speaker B:I'm not sure which one of those.
Speaker A:Episodes is going to be the next.
Speaker A:If any of them are going to.
Speaker A:People don't like eventually they'll be coming out or I might have something else to stick in there as well.
Speaker A:No, what always happens is I'll show up there.
Speaker A:Everybody already has their team on my team.
Speaker A:And then I come in and I kick everybody's ass and people get angry at me.
Speaker A:I'm like, you know what?
Speaker A:You didn't want me on your team, Dick.
Speaker B:You can be on my team.
Speaker A:Are just going to drag your mind through the gutter like that?
Speaker A:I'm just going to, I'm not big on drinking these days, but anyway.
Speaker B:All right.
Speaker B:I'm kind of in between on that too.
Speaker A:Extra calories now.
Speaker A:Really, really bizarro times that we're living in.
Speaker A: Okay,: Speaker A:Spooky.
Speaker A:Give me a nice 30 second.
Speaker A:Don't forget for second.
Speaker A:I love you.
Speaker B:No pressure, but the a cat shit nutso.
Speaker B:The vehicle for the chick from got.
Speaker A:A little bit of a break.
Speaker A:And then a girl from Ghost Story.
Speaker B:And a cute guy who should be cuter.
Speaker A:I don't know.
Speaker B:And it kind of seems like it's great.
Speaker B:And then it just goes all over the place.
Speaker B:Mother and son team on the run goes bad neighbor.
Speaker B:Very suburbia, very 80s small town America.
Speaker B:Crazy one liners.
Speaker B:Ends in flames and cats.
Speaker A:Cats, cats, cats, cats, cats.
Speaker A:Excellent.
Speaker A:I let you go over because all that was great.
Speaker A:That was gold.
Speaker A:So for my 32nd summary, I'd like to say that Stephen King Sleepwalkers is an old fashioned romantic love story that we just don't get anymore.
Speaker A:It's a classic tale of boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy fucks his mom, mom tries to eat girl.
Speaker A:Oh, and I forgot.
Speaker A:Cats, Cats, Cats, Cats, Cats.
Speaker A:This movie, like people don't realize.
Speaker A:Yes, it was directed by Mick Garris, but it was executively produced by Cocaine for sure.
Speaker A:Well, not exactly.
Speaker A:This was, this was after Stephen King had his accident.
Speaker B:Oh, is this after that?
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:So all this stuff in this era is really weird.
Speaker A:Here we are.
Speaker B:This is one of his straight to screenplay.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:This isn't based on anything else.
Speaker A:This is the first time he Done that it was not based on an existing work.
Speaker A:It was an original piece.
Speaker B:I don't know if you read a lot of Stephen King, but they're very, like, dense and a lot of things like.
Speaker B:Like what?
Speaker B:Kind of.
Speaker B:Like, I could feel like what he was trying to go for and probably would have been great in a book, like, but a novel.
Speaker B:I'm sure it could have worked out a lot better, but this just didn't.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:You're 100.
Speaker A:I do read a lot of Stephen King.
Speaker A:Not as much as I used to because I stopped reading after this whole accident period because things got really wordy and everything always was winding up to be about poop.
Speaker A:It's the dream catcher era.
Speaker A:And, like, literally everything with Desperation was about poop.
Speaker A:And, like, everything had this major poop plot line.
Speaker A:I thought it was gross.
Speaker A:It was just like, I don't need this anymore.
Speaker A:I don't know where you go with Stephen King.
Speaker A:This is a little too big.
Speaker A:It's a little too.
Speaker A:For a lady like myself.
Speaker B:I have to say.
Speaker B:I was a huge Stephen King fan.
Speaker B:I mean, I was reading them like a tennis player as they were coming.
Speaker B:I was batting them out.
Speaker B:And then he did.
Speaker B:He started to.
Speaker B:Something he kind of lost to me and almost.
Speaker B:I don't like any of his movies except for the ones in the 70s after that.
Speaker B:Like any of the 80s.
Speaker B:Pretty sure.
Speaker B:I mean, the Shining might have been the last one I liked.
Speaker A:They're very hit and miss for the most part.
Speaker A:Miss Creep Show.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:And then it's like maximum overdrive.
Speaker B:I never watched.
Speaker B:I never watched it.
Speaker B:Something about them made me not want to watch them.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:I mean, they're always a disappointment because they can't live up.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:They can't get into the characters heads like you get in the book.
Speaker A:Like, even the.
Speaker A:Like McGarris does a lot.
Speaker A:Who directed this, does a lot of Stephen King.
Speaker A:He did the Stand and the Shining.
Speaker A:The Shining redo with the guy from Wings and Rebecca de Moira.
Speaker A:He did all those.
Speaker A:So he knows the Stephen King really well.
Speaker A:And even he doesn't really get it right either because it's just not that, you know, you can't get into people's heads the way that Stephen King does.
Speaker A:And that's.
Speaker A:That's the most important part of the book or most interesting part of the book.
Speaker A:And when I say.
Speaker A:Before we get too deep into.
Speaker A:I want to say, I feel like there's a great movie struggling to get out of this movie.
Speaker A:Yes, there's.
Speaker A:Because there are moments in this, that are wonderful.
Speaker A:There are ideas in here that are great that I love.
Speaker A:And then it gets sidetracked into crazy incest and Freddy Krueger one liners and it starts to get really uneven.
Speaker B:Yeah, I like the start of it.
Speaker B:I actually enjoy like the first third of it.
Speaker B:And there's a definite moment where the wheel like turns and we'll talk about that.
Speaker A:We'll talk about it and I feel.
Speaker A:And we'll go into more detail.
Speaker A:I feel like had we spent more time developing what these monsters are and how they work, things would have been better because we get thrown in the middle of it.
Speaker A:We don't really understand anything.
Speaker A:And I like, okay, the big thing that most people have with this movie is that like 10 minutes in we're thrown into incest.
Speaker E:Going anywhere tonight?
Speaker F:To the movies.
Speaker E:Maybe with a friend.
Speaker E:With a special friend.
Speaker F:I'll buy my lonesome.
Speaker E:Oh, don't ask your mother.
Speaker F:Well, actually there's a girl that works there.
Speaker F:I thought I might ask her out.
Speaker E:Oh, you might.
Speaker F:She's pretty too.
Speaker E:Is she nice?
Speaker F:I don't know.
Speaker F:I guess I'll find out, won't I?
Speaker F:Jealous?
Speaker E:Concerned.
Speaker F:Right?
Speaker F:Concerned.
Speaker E:Concern.
Speaker F:Should I be jealous?
Speaker E:Would you like that?
Speaker A:The movie has literally just started and immediately we get to watch mom and son, friends, each other and go directly to the bone zone.
Speaker B:It's a lot which I, you know, I have to tell you, I did that.
Speaker B:That didn't bother me because I thought, oh, this is, this is a horror movie.
Speaker B:And this is an interesting, you know, this is an interesting.
Speaker B:This is something, you know, like there's.
Speaker B:And evidently the guy, the director, he did a whole like super sex scene between the two of them that had to totally get cut.
Speaker B:And you can kind of see it starting like super soft poured kind of beginnings of it.
Speaker B:And, and I didn't really mind that because it was so creepy and.
Speaker B:And it kind of went with it.
Speaker B:I was like, this is part of the horror movie.
Speaker B:I like, this is, this is part of that monster thing.
Speaker B:I'm interested, I'm intrigued.
Speaker B:Creepy, but I'm intrigued.
Speaker A:For years I've done my.
Speaker A:What to get into as we go further along.
Speaker A:I've done my headcanon on how these monsters worked and what were they were all about.
Speaker A:And I just found an article with Mick Garris that I hadn't found before that wasn't listed anywhere else that he talked about how these monsters worked and why they were having incest and what was going on.
Speaker A:I'm like, okay, that's exactly what I said.
Speaker A:I was right.
Speaker A:I was right.
Speaker A:That.
Speaker A:Okay, before we get too deep in what's a sleepwalker?
Speaker A:Uncle Spooky, what are these monsters that we're talking about?
Speaker B:Well, I'll tell you, there's a whole definition of them in the beginning, and it's a little wordy and doesn't make a lot of sense.
Speaker B:But my favorite thing is at the last line of it, it says, probably cause of the vampire legend.
Speaker B:Like, so they claiming, like, they're the ones who came up with vampires.
Speaker A:Well, it was the origin of them.
Speaker A:Like, before.
Speaker A:Before there were vampire legends.
Speaker A:There were these legends, which I get back in ancient Egypt.
Speaker A:Uncle Spooky.
Speaker A:Uncle Spooky's here because we did Cat Creature with Meredith Beck's a Bernie a while ago.
Speaker A:And I said, this is.
Speaker A:It's the same kind of movie.
Speaker A:Like, this movie and that movie are totally connected, which we'll get into later.
Speaker A:But.
Speaker A:Yeah, but I feel that they said they.
Speaker A:And even, like, the stuff they're showing at the beginning is all ancient Egypt, like, during the opening credits.
Speaker A:So we're going back to Egyptian legends.
Speaker B:Have you ever seen those Instagram videos of somebody dressed up like a big cat and they turn around the corner?
Speaker A:Yes, yes, yes.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:So basically we've got these.
Speaker A:This.
Speaker A:This mother son.
Speaker A:They're apparently the last of their kind.
Speaker A:And they're cat people.
Speaker A:They.
Speaker A:They're sort of things, but they don't feed on blood.
Speaker A:Uncle Spooky, what do they feed on?
Speaker B:They feed on laser beams coming out of your mouth.
Speaker A:But they can't just.
Speaker A:They can't just be anybody's laser beams.
Speaker A:Whose laser beams do they have to.
Speaker B:Be a beautiful virgin girl?
Speaker A:They feed on virginity and innocence, which.
Speaker B:I mean, you figured that, you know, if they went for a guy, you know, there'd probably be a lot more of them.
Speaker A:Maybe, maybe not.
Speaker A:Because it's one of the things that I've always said that people get put off by the incest.
Speaker A:I'm like, this is in here for a reason.
Speaker A:And I was thinking.
Speaker A:I started what.
Speaker A:I was doing my head count.
Speaker A:I said, started to think how animals and wild animals work.
Speaker A:And I'm thinking, incest means nothing to them.
Speaker B:No, exactly.
Speaker B:They're ready.
Speaker A:They'll meet with whoever.
Speaker A:But I also said there's something about people get put off by the fact that the mother doesn't do anything.
Speaker A:She's just like, I'm so sick, and she doesn't do anything on her own.
Speaker A:I said, I don't think the females have the capacity to feed themselves in that way.
Speaker A:Like, the male can do this.
Speaker A:Do the soul sucking thing.
Speaker A:And then they have to come home and feed them.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker A:They have to come home and feed mama.
Speaker A:And it turns out I'm exactly right.
Speaker A:I found this article with Mick Garrison.
Speaker A:Well, with the whole thing when they.
Speaker A:When mother and son have sex, I don't know if you notice Uncle Spooky, that, like, carnival lights start shooting out of her vagina.
Speaker B:I don't know if I noticed the carnival lights.
Speaker B:I noticed it was like, it's in the mirror stuff was happening.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:The implication was that that's him feeding her.
Speaker A:It's not just sex.
Speaker A:It's feeding.
Speaker B:Oh, is that what we're calling it?
Speaker A:He's like, yeah.
Speaker A:He's like.
Speaker A:He's like.
Speaker A:And people say it's his mother and son make you up.
Speaker A:He's like, no.
Speaker A:Not making love.
Speaker A:They are.
Speaker B:And it's fun because it's like they kind of tease you for a little bit, and you're like, no, no, they're not gonna go there.
Speaker B:No.
Speaker B:What?
Speaker B:What?
Speaker A:And we just die face in.
Speaker B:Literally.
Speaker A:No.
Speaker A:No going back.
Speaker A:Like, no.
Speaker A:We're.
Speaker A:It's 10 minutes in, and we are bone.
Speaker A:And mom.
Speaker A:And mom and son are bone in.
Speaker B:But I like how I kind of just.
Speaker B:I sort of teased it a little bit.
Speaker B:Like, you were like, this is weird.
Speaker B:This is weird.
Speaker B:And then it just kind of kept getting weird.
Speaker B:And then it went.
Speaker B:Really didn't like.
Speaker B:It didn't cheat.
Speaker B:It totally gave it to you.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah.
Speaker A:And this was one of the problems with they.
Speaker A:They ran into a lot of production problems, not surprisingly, because of this.
Speaker A:First of all, they had a different director.
Speaker A:It started.
Speaker A:The original director was Rufus Wainwright.
Speaker B:Really?
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Well, he hadn't done any movies yet.
Speaker A:He had just done music videos, and he rewrote the whole script.
Speaker A:And Stephen King said, it's called Stephen King's Sleepwalkers, not Rufus Wainwright.
Speaker A:Sleepwalkers, you're fired.
Speaker A:And it was just before they went into production.
Speaker A:So that was one big problem.
Speaker A:And the other big problem was that while they were in production, Columbia Studios got a new president.
Speaker A:And the president took a look at the script and said, there is no way that a movie featuring a mother and son having sex is going out while I'm in charge.
Speaker A:And it turns out that was prophetic because they said, you know what?
Speaker A:You don't say no to Stephen King.
Speaker A:You're fired.
Speaker B:Oh, wow.
Speaker A:So they got a new president, so.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:And they had tons of trouble with the mpa now for the.
Speaker A:Not so much for the sex, but.
Speaker B:For the violence, which does go overboard.
Speaker A:Yes, but in the best way.
Speaker A:I'd rather.
Speaker A:It's the 90s and I'd rather see overboard than underboard because this is the Tipper Gore era where everything was getting cut out.
Speaker A:The violence in this is bonkers.
Speaker A:Poor Machen Emmett gets the crap beaten out of her.
Speaker A:Okay, I gotta go back.
Speaker B:That's third party.
Speaker A:Tell me.
Speaker A:Okay, no, no, no.
Speaker A:I just want to go back to the sleepwalkers.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:Our main sleepwalker is Charles.
Speaker A:He.
Speaker A:He's the handsome young.
Speaker A:I also love that when this, when this advertised the commercials, the first half of the commercials made it look like it was going to be a romantic comedy.
Speaker B:Oh, I'm sure.
Speaker A:Look at that.
Speaker A:Oh, look.
Speaker A:Charles and Tanya, the cutest couple in town.
Speaker B:Because it is the super mute.
Speaker B:The meet cute.
Speaker B:They're in the same high school.
Speaker B:He's reading a short story and that she's taken away by it.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:But the actor is Brian Krause.
Speaker A:Brian Krause, who most people would know from Charm.
Speaker B:Charmed.
Speaker A:And he's exactly what you want in this kind of role because he's like classic all America.
Speaker A:Perfect boy teen.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:What you would say in a movie is exactly what was going to sweep your daughter off your feet.
Speaker B:Think you could do charming.
Speaker B:And then he does a good asshole too.
Speaker B:Later.
Speaker A:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker A:But no, he does every.
Speaker A:He does everything right.
Speaker A:And because he's been doing this for a really long time and he's great.
Speaker A:And the mom is Alice Krieg, who's always fabulous left, you know.
Speaker B:So I tell you what.
Speaker B:I watched this with the last Spookarama.
Speaker B:So me and like 10 other people watch this.
Speaker B:They got their takes on it and, and it was wild.
Speaker B:Like they got a lot of good, good feedback on it.
Speaker B:Like everybody thought it was nuts.
Speaker B:But a lot of people freaking hate her.
Speaker B:Like just like gut truly hate her.
Speaker B:And like.
Speaker B:And just were making fun of the way she talks and they like, oh, she's got this lisp or this weird way and then once somebody points it out to you, you can't unhear.
Speaker A:It's European.
Speaker A:What do you expect?
Speaker A:Ding dong wrong.
Speaker A:She's South African.
Speaker B:I.
Speaker B:I guess.
Speaker B:But I mean, I remember you knowing about it from Ghost Story that she had like a weird kind of.
Speaker B:Yeah kind of work though.
Speaker B:You do toad.
Speaker A:It makes her exact.
Speaker A:But you know, she's from Ghost Stories.
Speaker A:She's the Borga queen.
Speaker A:I love she.
Speaker A:She brings Menace and sexuality to everything that she does.
Speaker B:Yes, she's good for that.
Speaker A:It's beautiful.
Speaker A:And she's beautiful and she's gorgeous and she's perfect in this role.
Speaker A:What I love about this too, is like, he's the main villain for the first half of it.
Speaker A:But then when things switch later.
Speaker A:Oh, it turns out that in the species.
Speaker A:True.
Speaker A:That the female is deadlier than the male.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah.
Speaker A:And she just clobbers everything in her pathway.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah.
Speaker A:She's.
Speaker A:She's the tough one.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:She's the Terminator.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:If she could feed herself, there would be sleepwalkers everywhere.
Speaker B:She'd be eaten.
Speaker A:But she can't.
Speaker A:She can't.
Speaker A:But yes, those.
Speaker A:The two of them, and they have great chemistry together.
Speaker A:Even though it's gross.
Speaker A:It's really gross.
Speaker A:Everything they do is gross in the best possible way.
Speaker A:I love it.
Speaker B:Just the dancing starts off with this, like, let's dance together kind of thing.
Speaker B:And the powers are very undefined.
Speaker A:That's the other thing that we needed.
Speaker A:We needed a little bit of that because there's a little bit of a.
Speaker A:I mean, they're shape shifters, for one, but it also.
Speaker A:They also can throw glamours.
Speaker A:Like spells.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:To make.
Speaker A:To shapeshift other things like their car or at least cloak.
Speaker A:Or cloak.
Speaker A:I mean, people get shifted.
Speaker A:Like they made a whole new car.
Speaker A:I'm like, they didn't make a whole new car.
Speaker A:They just made it look different.
Speaker A:It's just a little glamour shade.
Speaker B:Just there was like some inanimate, like, little, like carry stuff where they could move things a little bit.
Speaker B:Was that happening?
Speaker B:Happening?
Speaker A:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker A:They turn on.
Speaker A:She turned on the.
Speaker A:The record player by herself a couple of times.
Speaker A:A little bit of that.
Speaker A:They have.
Speaker A:Have mild.
Speaker B:And I think at some point she's picking up bodies, making them move.
Speaker B:Third part.
Speaker B:We'll wait to that.
Speaker B:We'll wait till we get to that.
Speaker A:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker A:Dad's dead, son dance.
Speaker B:So, sleepwalkers.
Speaker A:So basically.
Speaker A:Yeah, this whole.
Speaker A:I love this whole scene too, which is just like we're.
Speaker A:We're meeting them for the first time and he.
Speaker A:It still feels like.
Speaker A:It's like, oh, I met.
Speaker A:I met the.
Speaker A:I can't.
Speaker A:I can't hang out with you today, Ma, because I met a girl and it still feel.
Speaker A:It still feels like you're all American teen comedy and it's like things to start.
Speaker A:Is she nice?
Speaker A:Is she.
Speaker A:Is she truly nice?
Speaker A:And you just feel that nice does not mean what you think.
Speaker B:You know, we forgot to mention the Beginning.
Speaker A:Oh.
Speaker A:Oh, thank you.
Speaker A:Thank you.
Speaker A:Walk me through the beginning.
Speaker A:Walk me to the beginning of the film.
Speaker A:I just wanted to get through the monsters.
Speaker A:But, yes.
Speaker A:Walk me through their first layer.
Speaker B:Well, I have to tell you, it's my first blood.
Speaker B:Bingo.
Speaker B:Word is dead cat mobile, which is pretty spectacular.
Speaker A:It is pretty spectacular.
Speaker B:It's Mark Hamill.
Speaker B:A lot of cameos in this.
Speaker A:Lots of cameos in this.
Speaker A:Mark Hamill was one.
Speaker A:I did not realize until this time.
Speaker B:Yeah, we were kind of calling it.
Speaker B:And it was like.
Speaker B:No.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:No, because he's a baby.
Speaker A:Look.
Speaker A:What a little baby with his little baby mustache.
Speaker A:He's a little baby.
Speaker A:Teeny, tiny baby.
Speaker A:Mark Owl.
Speaker A:Martha and Carl Brody, mother and son.
Speaker A:No one's seen them since Tuesday.
Speaker A:The car is the Trans Am, blue with yellow pinstriping.
Speaker A:California License 2 CLG592.
Speaker C:No one's seen that since Tuesday either.
Speaker A:God, I just hope nothing horrible happened to them.
Speaker B:They were so close.
Speaker C:Ma'am, please step back.
Speaker A:Sheriff, what do you think happened?
Speaker F:I don't know, but somebody sure doesn't like cats.
Speaker B:They go.
Speaker B:They see this cat mobile that the house is empty.
Speaker B:They go creeping through the house, and they got the famous.
Speaker B:They open a door, and they get the famous cat thrown at them.
Speaker B:Scared, you know, one of those.
Speaker A:And the one cat that's not dead.
Speaker B:Not dead.
Speaker B:Cat's not dead.
Speaker B:This one made it through out the door.
Speaker B:But then out pops a corpse.
Speaker B:Mummified corpse.
Speaker A:Pops.
Speaker A:Pops out.
Speaker A:Like it was on a trampoline, by the way.
Speaker B:Yeah, like flies out at them.
Speaker B:Stinger and all.
Speaker B:It's a good.
Speaker B:It was a good job.
Speaker B:I jumped.
Speaker B:I'll jump.
Speaker B:I admit.
Speaker B:First time, watch.
Speaker B:I jumped.
Speaker B:I didn't see it coming.
Speaker B:And there it is.
Speaker B:A mummified young girl.
Speaker B:They explain later that she's a young girl because she's wearing braces, in a.
Speaker A:Girl and a girl school uniform.
Speaker B:And With a rose in her hair.
Speaker A:Yeah, with a rose.
Speaker B:It comes back later for some reason.
Speaker A:Well, it's just.
Speaker A:It's just to connect it.
Speaker A:This is just.
Speaker A:Yep, it's the same, too.
Speaker A:This is their mo.
Speaker B:It's their mo.
Speaker A:Jesus.
Speaker A:It's a little girl.
Speaker C:What's that in her hair?
Speaker E:Rose?
Speaker A:Mama.
Speaker A:Mama approves of this one.
Speaker A:I.
Speaker A:You brought her to me, and I smell her virginity, so I'm gonna put a rose on.
Speaker B:Oh, is that what it was?
Speaker B:I was trying to figure out what the.
Speaker B:What?
Speaker A:That's my headcanon.
Speaker A:That makes sense because that's what happens later.
Speaker A:That's what Happens later, she brings her mom and she's like, hold on, I've got something.
Speaker B:You think she's gonna cut her nose off?
Speaker A:It's your nose.
Speaker A:I got your nose.
Speaker A:Did you catch, did you catch where this happened?
Speaker A:Where this first location was?
Speaker B:Was it Bodega Bay?
Speaker A:Bodega Bay.
Speaker A:What else happened in Bodega Bay?
Speaker B:The birds.
Speaker A:The birds.
Speaker B:Tippy Hendrick, One outfit.
Speaker A:First we get the birds, then we get the cats.
Speaker B:I didn't even put together, considering how.
Speaker A:Much I love this movie, how much violence happens towards cats in this movie.
Speaker A:And I hate that.
Speaker A:I hate animal violence.
Speaker A:But in this, it all works for some reason.
Speaker A:Just to see their.
Speaker A:When you see their house and their house is just covered in dead cats.
Speaker A:Like warning to the other cats, don't come here.
Speaker B:Yeah, like, like decorating.
Speaker B:It was like decorated with dead cats.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:Not a cameo, but an up and coming person.
Speaker A:We got a Rusty swimmer.
Speaker A:Has one line here.
Speaker A:God, I just hope nothing horrible happened to them.
Speaker A:They were so close.
Speaker A:Yeah, they really are.
Speaker A:If you don't know who Rusty Schwimmer is.
Speaker A:She went on to be in Candyman and she was also in Jason Goes to Hell.
Speaker A:She owned the restaurant.
Speaker A:Yeah, she got.
Speaker A:She got her teeth knocked in by Jason.
Speaker A:He got the elbow from Jason in the face.
Speaker A:Died.
Speaker A:Was hanging out with.
Speaker A:Hanging out with Leslie Jordan the whole movie.
Speaker B:That sucks.
Speaker B:Losing your teeth.
Speaker A:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker A:Boom, right?
Speaker B:Gotta protect them.
Speaker A:Well, but, you know, she was dead, so we're just gonna use them.
Speaker B:So you need those.
Speaker B:Need those sometimes.
Speaker B:Dead, you need them later.
Speaker A:You know what?
Speaker A:You're right.
Speaker A:You're right.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker A:If she got Uncle Spooky, she'd be like, great, I got no teeth.
Speaker A:I'm Uncle Spooky.
Speaker B:I got a teeth brand of popularity.
Speaker A:We learned about the monsters.
Speaker A:We know about their.
Speaker A:That they.
Speaker A:They did something.
Speaker A:They had a run and now they're in a new location in.
Speaker A:In Indiana somewhere.
Speaker A:Tell me about Tanya Robinson did.
Speaker A:But first of all, I was really mad that it was that this, in my mind, this is also a Tanya Roberts origin story.
Speaker A:Like this happened to Tanya Roberts.
Speaker A:This is how she became a star.
Speaker B:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker B:A terrible name.
Speaker B:This is a 30 year old girl in high school.
Speaker A:It's the 90s.
Speaker A:Everybody was 40 in high school.
Speaker B:It was like shockingly like just sitting at a desk was just like too old for this part.
Speaker A:But so is everybody else.
Speaker A:So is he.
Speaker A:So is everybody else in that class.
Speaker A:Everybody looked ancient, but that's just the way things were.
Speaker B:I guess so.
Speaker B:I guess so.
Speaker B:I Couldn't.
Speaker A:You can't blame.
Speaker A:You can't blame 80s 90s hard tropes on the 80s and 90s movies.
Speaker A:You can't blame it.
Speaker A:If they did it now would be like, come on now.
Speaker B:And it was like an adult.
Speaker B:She was just wearing an adult shade of lipstick.
Speaker B:That bothered me too.
Speaker A:Oh, stop it.
Speaker A:Anyway, the actress is mate, who I.
Speaker B:Loved in Twin Peaks.
Speaker B:Loved Twin Peak.
Speaker A:She's on Riverdale as well.
Speaker B:Who was she in Twin Peaks?
Speaker B:Sherry?
Speaker A:Yeah, she was the waitress.
Speaker B:Shelly.
Speaker A:Shelly.
Speaker A:I don't remember.
Speaker A:Remember.
Speaker A:It's been a long time.
Speaker A:It's been a long time and I, I want to.
Speaker A:I know.
Speaker A:You know the other show that you've been on a couple of times, you know, it came from the 70s.
Speaker A:She did a TV movie with Toby Hooper.
Speaker A:Really in the night.
Speaker A:It's in the 90s, I'm gonna break my rules.
Speaker A:It's called I'm Dangerous Tonight where she's got a killer dress made out of an Aztec cloak that makes her kill people.
Speaker B:Really?
Speaker A:It's supposed to be, it's supposed to be fabulous.
Speaker B:We haven't seen it yet.
Speaker A:All right, I haven't seen it yet.
Speaker A:It's on my list going on.
Speaker A:But I've heard, I've heard, I've heard from the people who know that it's fabulous.
Speaker A:But she's, she's your average all American girl.
Speaker A:She's, she's, she's this cute pie and she's this, she's the sweet, wholesome girl that you need to get corrupted in a movie like this.
Speaker A:She's like perfect target for slate parkers.
Speaker B:And she's got a job.
Speaker A:Uncle Spooky.
Speaker A:Do you know that since I've mentioned I was doing this movie, the amount of straight guys, like that scene where she's dancing with the carpet sweeper changed my life.
Speaker A:It's fascinating.
Speaker B:You know, and as a, as a possible gay, all I thought of was how bad she was at her job.
Speaker B:She didn't, she didn't ring up the customer.
Speaker B:She like, she was not picking up any of that friggin dirt on the floor.
Speaker B:She was dancing around.
Speaker A:You know what?
Speaker A:Those car, those carpet sweepers never work.
Speaker A:They never work.
Speaker B:She was jamming to the song.
Speaker A:She, she had.
Speaker A:She's a minimum wage worker, all right?
Speaker A:She's got class in the morning.
Speaker A:She's got a.
Speaker A:She's got a pop quiz coming up.
Speaker A:But what I think is all just fascinating is that this, this registered so much with my straight fans out there that I'm learning, yes, yet there's nothing suggestive about anything that she does.
Speaker A:Like, there's nothing sexy about this dance at all.
Speaker A:She's just like, honestly, cute.
Speaker A:It's a cute little dance.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:She's doing.
Speaker B:She's giving you Dirty Dancing?
Speaker A:A little tiny bit, but it's most.
Speaker A:It's mostly like I'm a dork and I think nobody's watching, but I think.
Speaker B:The song is from Dirty dancing.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:At 100% is from dirty Dance.
Speaker A:Do you love me?
Speaker B:Do you love me?
Speaker B:And then she gets popcorn dumped on her head.
Speaker D:You scared me.
Speaker F:Sorry.
Speaker D:Oh, no.
Speaker D:I'll see you again.
Speaker F:Charles Brady.
Speaker D:Thanks for the help, Charles Brady.
Speaker F:Don't mention it.
Speaker B:And then she gets popcorn dumped on her head.
Speaker B:She didn't clean that up?
Speaker A:No, she just picked out of her hair and gave it to him.
Speaker A:She's like, here, it's free.
Speaker D:Go ahead.
Speaker F:You mean free me.
Speaker A:Thanks.
Speaker B:So that's that meet cute moment.
Speaker D:I'm very embarrassed.
Speaker D:Am I flushing?
Speaker F:You look good in red, Tonya.
Speaker D:How'd you know my name?
Speaker F:English, period four.
Speaker F:Creative writing.
Speaker F:Mr.
Speaker F:Fallows, the weird and terrible.
Speaker D:Oh, you're the new guy from Ohio.
Speaker F:Paradise Falls.
Speaker B:But he set it up.
Speaker B:Yeah, he sets this cute moment up.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:And so she's a little, you know, charmed the pants off a little bit.
Speaker B:Then he.
Speaker B:Then the father, he tries to take her home, but the father shows up to take her home and.
Speaker B:And then, yeah, he's hiding in the shadows, doing creepy things.
Speaker A:But again, that was also a test.
Speaker A:It was a test.
Speaker A:Like, even she says, she's like, when he asked, she asked for a ride home.
Speaker A:She's like, well, what kind of a girl would I be if I let someone who I just met drive me, right?
Speaker F:I don't suppose you'd like a ride home after work tonight, would you?
Speaker D:My dad picks me up.
Speaker F:Nice dad.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker D:Besides, what would your girlfriend say if you gave the popcorn girl a ride home?
Speaker F:No girlfriend.
Speaker F:I'm new in town, remember?
Speaker F:Thanks.
Speaker F:See you in class.
Speaker D:Oh, wait.
Speaker D:Um.
Speaker D:Welcome to Travis.
Speaker F:Thanks.
Speaker F:Thanks a lot.
Speaker A:But exactly the kind of girl I'm looking for.
Speaker A:You are by not going home with me right now.
Speaker B:You passed the first test.
Speaker A:Exactly.
Speaker A:Exactly.
Speaker A:I also love that her parents are also Ferris Bueller's parents.
Speaker B:Are they really?
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Lyman Ward and Cindy.
Speaker A:Oh, gosh.
Speaker A:Cindy.
Speaker A:Cindy.
Speaker A:Cindy Pluckett.
Speaker A:Ding Dong Cindy Pickett.
Speaker A:Nurdle brain.
Speaker B:They don't fare so good here after bid through fairies.
Speaker A:You know what they got rid of?
Speaker A:They got rid of those two shitty kids and they're like, you know what?
Speaker A:We're gonna have a normal girl in Indiana.
Speaker A:Everything's gonna be fine.
Speaker B:Great.
Speaker A:We're gonna disown those other two fuckers.
Speaker A:They were insane.
Speaker A:One was just uncontrollable, and the other one got her nose changed, and we don't even recognize her anymore.
Speaker B:You know, that's another thing.
Speaker B:They.
Speaker B:They made this kind of stink about the couple, the last two, that they felt there were others around there, and they couldn't be the last ones.
Speaker B:And they were thinking, there has to be more.
Speaker F:Deputy had a cat.
Speaker A:Maybe for a second or two.
Speaker E:He won't believe what he saw.
Speaker C:No, he probably won't.
Speaker F:Somebody will find the teacher that I dumped in the woods.
Speaker F:It's already started again.
Speaker F:Mom, don't worry.
Speaker E:Don't worry.
Speaker F:I have to feed you.
Speaker E:You'll see her tomorrow.
Speaker F:What if something happens to me?
Speaker F:You'll starve.
Speaker F:We haven't even seen another sleepwalker.
Speaker E:We aren't the last.
Speaker A:I don't know that.
Speaker E:Yes, I do.
Speaker E:I can feel the others.
Speaker E:You'll feed tomorrow, and then you'll feed me.
Speaker E:And then we left.
Speaker A:Leave.
Speaker E:Nothing's going to happen.
Speaker E:We just have to take care of each other.
Speaker B:And.
Speaker B:And she could smell.
Speaker B:She could sense they were around right where she was, which was, I think, a plot point they.
Speaker B:They just dropped.
Speaker A:Well, that's also just to keep things open for a sequel, which actually Tab of the King wrote a script for, but it never got picked up.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker B:I heard they were like, yeah, thanks.
Speaker B:Even though it made double its budget, it.
Speaker A:With a female basketball team.
Speaker A:We love things with female basketball teams.
Speaker A:It would be like Sleepwalkers meets Lover Party Massacre.
Speaker A:It'd be great.
Speaker B:Oh, my God.
Speaker A:Sleepwalkers versus lesbians.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker A:Let's do this.
Speaker B:Somewhere around here, somebody turns out to be a cutter.
Speaker A:A cutter?
Speaker A:Oh, yeah.
Speaker A:Well, no.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Well, it's the first indication that something's wrong.
Speaker A:Like, you see him at the opening.
Speaker A:It's the opening.
Speaker A:Well, introduction to this new life in Indiana.
Speaker A:It's him sitting with his shirt off, and he's looking at her picture in the yearbook, and he's drawing a harder outer picture, but then he carves her.
Speaker A:Her initials into his arm.
Speaker A:You're like, okay, that's weird.
Speaker A:Yeah, maybe this is not so wholesome as we think.
Speaker A:Tell me about their high school teacher.
Speaker B:Oh, my God.
Speaker B:Their high school teacher is somebody.
Speaker B:He was in something else.
Speaker B:What was he in?
Speaker A:It's Glenn Shadducks from Beetlejuice.
Speaker B:Beetlejuice.
Speaker B:And there's that you get just.
Speaker B:You don't even.
Speaker B:It's such a weird thing that I don't know if anybody else could pick up on it, but a gay.
Speaker B:That there's like a weird.
Speaker B:Just a hint of a vibe.
Speaker A:And it's only because there's Glenn Shadix, who.
Speaker A:He always gives off a gay vibe, but.
Speaker A:Yeah, but no, there's definitely a gay vibe here.
Speaker A:And also there's implied pedophilia.
Speaker B:Somebody's passing notes in his class.
Speaker B:Like a dirty note.
Speaker B:And it's a jock.
Speaker B:And he just kind of sends his ruler down on the jock's knuckles.
Speaker B:Ah, shit.
Speaker C:I suggest that next time you keep your hands to yourself, Mr.
Speaker C:Crawford.
Speaker B:Yes, sir.
Speaker B:I know.
Speaker B:Right there.
Speaker B:I was like.
Speaker B:When they just looked at each other, it was like.
Speaker B:I got this weird vibe.
Speaker A:Well, that's Glenn.
Speaker A:That's exactly what he gives.
Speaker A:He gave it off in Beetlejuice too.
Speaker A:He gave it all.
Speaker A:But yes, what I think is cool about this scene, this whole scene with him reading where Charles reads this, his story about sleepwalkers, which is basically like telling everything that we do, but everybody thinks it's fiction.
Speaker B:Yeah, Zip.
Speaker B:Suck the face out of people.
Speaker A:Her reaction.
Speaker A:And the whole scene is exactly the same scene as in Carrie with the poem.
Speaker B:Yes, it is.
Speaker B:It sure is.
Speaker F:Callback to that a time of happiness too brief to be anything but gold had run out.
Speaker C:Very good, Charles.
Speaker C:All right.
Speaker C:Any thoughts on Mr.
Speaker C:Brady's sleepwalkers, Ms.
Speaker C:Robertson?
Speaker D:I liked it.
Speaker C:You liked?
Speaker D:Was different.
Speaker D:I thought it was very sad.
Speaker C:Sad, why?
Speaker D:Because they were always driven away.
Speaker D:Because they were such outsiders.
Speaker A:Ding dong.
Speaker A:Packing from the future here.
Speaker A:And to further connect the two movies, in both Carrie and Sleepwalkers, both of these teachers are dressed the same, have the same glasses, and are both mildly effeminate.
Speaker A:Wonderful.
Speaker A:Wonderful.
Speaker A:Ding dong.
Speaker A:Back to the show.
Speaker A:And I think that's cute.
Speaker A:I think that's cute.
Speaker A:The other thing I think I.
Speaker A:It sounds like you don't like Major Mick.
Speaker A:I think she's great in this.
Speaker B:I do love her, actually.
Speaker B:And that's.
Speaker B:She is the only reason I was ever semi interested in seeing this movie.
Speaker A:She gives her.
Speaker A:I think she gives a really great performance.
Speaker A:Like in this particular.
Speaker A:In this early sense, like he said, like, she's.
Speaker A:She's coming off as 30, but yet she's still pulling off innocence.
Speaker A:What she's doing.
Speaker A:One of my favorite things.
Speaker A:Do you remember there used to be that game show, like, game show, reality show on VH1 called Scream Queens, but the girls trying to get into the saw Movie.
Speaker A:There was one episode where they had an acting coach that was working with him.
Speaker A:He's like, okay, I want you to come on and seduce me.
Speaker A:And all the girls, like, there's a bowl of fruit there and all of them, like, having sex.
Speaker A:The fruit.
Speaker A:He's like, no, no, no, no.
Speaker A:That's not how you do it.
Speaker A:That's not how you do it.
Speaker A:And one of the things he said, like, one of the big thing was like one of the big things, like you have to be innocent, but doing things that are unconscious, supposedly unconsciously sexual.
Speaker A:Like exposing your neck, like pushing your hair back.
Speaker A:And the other thing is biting your lip.
Speaker B:Huh.
Speaker A:Marsha Brady loved the lip bite.
Speaker A:Marcia Brady does the lip bite all the time and so does Mason.mx.
Speaker A:she does it like seven times.
Speaker B:But.
Speaker A:She'S able to pull it up.
Speaker A:Like, I'm buying, I'm buying that you're a 16 year old virgin, but.
Speaker A:Or at least giving off that energy.
Speaker B:Yeah, she's definitely.
Speaker B:She nailed that.
Speaker B:And he's got this great car that's kind of for a high school kid.
Speaker B:It's a little too much, but it's.
Speaker B:Is, what is it, a Trans Am or something?
Speaker A:Yeah, it's the blue Trans Am.
Speaker A:Well, of course it's too much hot.
Speaker B:Blue car that any girl would just go out with just for this car.
Speaker A:That he has to jump in like he's one of the Dukes of Hazard.
Speaker A:He has to jump in the room.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Because it's gonna, it's, it's what, it's what teenage girls want.
Speaker A:It's to impress teenage girls who don't know no better.
Speaker A:And I think it's gonna be.
Speaker A:Oh, by the way, I love also in these school scenes, you get brief visits with her friends.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:In another movie, it would be about murdering these, these awful sluts.
Speaker B:I know they're all reading it because she's a virgin.
Speaker A:And they're all, they're all aggressively.
Speaker B:Yeah, they're doing the, they're doing the, you know, the blow jobs.
Speaker A:Yeah, it did, like, not subtle about anything.
Speaker A:And again, they're 40.
Speaker A:But I say I do want to see a movie where I want to see those die.
Speaker A:I don't like these.
Speaker A:They're crude and I don't like them.
Speaker D:Well, I may have plans of my own and they just might include Homeland.
Speaker A:Yeah, right.
Speaker E:I can just see you in the.
Speaker A:Back seat at Homeland.
Speaker D:Nice.
Speaker D:Honey, you gotta admit, I mean, your.
Speaker A:Dad'S gonna be there.
Speaker A:I can just tell your dad's gonna be there.
Speaker D:Hi, Charles.
Speaker D:Hi, Charles.
Speaker D:Do you know Jeanette and Carrie?
Speaker D:This is Charles Brady.
Speaker A:Hi.
Speaker A:We are in the same class.
Speaker F:Tanya, can I give you a ride home?
Speaker F:I mean, all of you.
Speaker A:No, we've got a ride, but why don't you go, Tanya?
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker B:See you later.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:I was hoping that we would revisit them and they would, like.
Speaker B:They would be, like, unsuitable virgins that they had to, like.
Speaker B:You know, they were so hungry, they would have to eat something.
Speaker A:Right, right, right, right.
Speaker A:Blair, you brought me this girl.
Speaker A:Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Speaker B:Then throw it up like a cat bull.
Speaker A:Big blue, glowing blue hairball, little fight.
Speaker B:Then.
Speaker B:Then he takes it to a.
Speaker B:He drives a home, and she brings him up to the bedroom.
Speaker B:And there's, like, panties and bras littered everywhere.
Speaker A:There's more panties than anything.
Speaker A:The furniture in the room.
Speaker A:It's amazing.
Speaker A:His panties, literally everywhere.
Speaker B:But he's, like, staring right at him.
Speaker B:But you.
Speaker B:But she's like.
Speaker B:It's kind of like.
Speaker B:But she.
Speaker B:He's acting like he doesn't see them.
Speaker B:And she's.
Speaker B:She's trying to get his attention diverted so she can.
Speaker B:I mean, there's like a whole thing of her, like, hiding her panties and, like, why did she bring him up there?
Speaker A:It's all part of the.
Speaker A:Well, she's trying.
Speaker A:She's trying to be cool.
Speaker A:She's trying to be like her slutty friends.
Speaker A:Like, this is what my slutty friends would do.
Speaker A:They're bringing her up to the bedroom and would listen to records.
Speaker A:And we close the door, which is a very naughty thing to do.
Speaker A:And she does all that stuff, but we're not gonna do anything because I'm a nice girl.
Speaker A:But he doesn't know that yet.
Speaker A:But, oh, my gosh, my panties are everywhere.
Speaker A:I didn't know I owned this many panties.
Speaker B:And then the mom comes in.
Speaker A:So you two are going out tomorrow?
Speaker D:Yes.
Speaker F:Tanya's gonna show me Homeland.
Speaker A:Oh, really?
Speaker F:You see, I do rubbings, too.
Speaker F:Not quite as fine as yours, but I figured there must be some old slate gravestones out there.
Speaker A:Yes, as a matter of fact.
Speaker D:In the old section near the woods.
Speaker D:Tell me, Charles, do you use powder or stick?
Speaker F:I use stick, usually.
Speaker F:Number five.
Speaker A:Really?
Speaker A:Don't you find that a little hard?
Speaker F:Yeah, but I'm clumsy.
Speaker F:You know, powder's so messy and everything.
Speaker A:She's clocking him, too.
Speaker A:She's like, huh?
Speaker A:Oh, yeah, yeah.
Speaker A:I love that.
Speaker A:She's.
Speaker A:She's got great parents.
Speaker A:Like, she's got parents that actually listen to her and give a shit about her, which is Nice.
Speaker A:Because normally these movies you don't get that.
Speaker B:She's like be home tomorrow.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:By the way.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Huh.
Speaker A:You're gonna go to the cemetery and do rubbings.
Speaker A:Uh huh.
Speaker A:That's my thing.
Speaker A:And I'm gonna grill you on.
Speaker A:I love all that.
Speaker A:That she.
Speaker A:That that.
Speaker A:That she grills him and he passes the test like that.
Speaker A:This is.
Speaker B:He's right.
Speaker B:And no.
Speaker B:And then somehow he pulls out.
Speaker B:What does he pull out?
Speaker B:Powder or a stick.
Speaker B:He does rubbings as well.
Speaker A:I.
Speaker A:Stick is hard to work with but I'm very clumsy so powder can be messy.
Speaker A:Good for you.
Speaker A:I mean.
Speaker A:I mean I'm cheering for him but also going no, I shouldn't be cheering for you because you're awful and you're going to do bad things.
Speaker A:We had our first kill here.
Speaker A:Right by here.
Speaker A:The high school teacher.
Speaker B:That.
Speaker B:Which is a great scene.
Speaker A:Just he's on to Charles's game right away.
Speaker A:What does he realize really quickly about what's wrong with Charles?
Speaker B:That the town he's from.
Speaker B:Something like that doesn't exist.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:So that.
Speaker B:So he chases him down in a car.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:And his transcripts are fake.
Speaker B:It's like a car thing.
Speaker B:And he not runs him off the road but makes him pull over.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:And like kinda in the side of the little woodsy area where he makes his move.
Speaker C:Hello Charles.
Speaker C:Checking out your new environment?
Speaker C:Boring, isn't it?
Speaker C:Disneyland for cows, but for human beings.
Speaker F:Well, I like.
Speaker F:It's kind of peaceful.
Speaker C:Reminds you of Ohio, I suppose.
Speaker F:Yeah, well, you know.
Speaker C:No, actually I don't Charles.
Speaker C:I don't know.
Speaker C:And you don't either.
Speaker C:There is no Paradise Falls in Ohio.
Speaker C:Your transcripts are also fakes.
Speaker C:Clever fakes, but fakes.
Speaker C:Anything to say?
Speaker F:Transition mistaken.
Speaker C:Oh no, I'm not.
Speaker C:But you are, Charles, if you think you can wiggle out of this.
Speaker C:I don't know who you are, but I know you're not who you say you are.
Speaker A:But yeah, like I said, the implied pedophilia.
Speaker A:He basically says.
Speaker A:Because he said, I don't have any money, Mr.
Speaker A:Whatever your name is.
Speaker A:I can't pay you to keep this quiet.
Speaker A:There are other ways to keep things quiet.
Speaker A:And doesn't keep his hands to himself.
Speaker A:That's why he gets his hand ripped off.
Speaker A:Because he was groping this boy's genitals.
Speaker F:This is blackmail, Mr.
Speaker F:Phallus.
Speaker F:I think you picked the wrong guy.
Speaker F:This car is the only expensive thing I've gotten and I'm kind of sentimental about it.
Speaker F:I don't think I Can tell it.
Speaker B:Ow.
Speaker B:Civil.
Speaker C:I'm through with you.
Speaker C:Your generation is so mercenary, Charles.
Speaker C:Money this, money that.
Speaker C:Well, money is not the only medium of exchange.
Speaker F:You're right, Mr.
Speaker F:Carlos.
Speaker F:People really should learn to keep their hands to themselves.
Speaker F:Here's yours.
Speaker B:Which it took me a minute to really like, how did this guy look?
Speaker B:Because he just kind of sticks it down his pants or sticks it down his crotch.
Speaker B:And the guy doesn't bite it off, so you just.
Speaker B:You just hear like a crunch.
Speaker A:Yeah, yeah, he tore it off.
Speaker A:He tore it off his hands.
Speaker A:He's very strong.
Speaker A:But this is another scene that got cut.
Speaker A:Didn't get to the center.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah.
Speaker A:You know, like, we can't show touching people.
Speaker A:Creepy.
Speaker B:It's too bad because that.
Speaker B:That was like, an interesting scene.
Speaker B:I was.
Speaker B:I was like, wow, is this gonna go.
Speaker A:And also, he's supposed to be underage.
Speaker A:He's supposed to be a teenager, like, so.
Speaker A:I mean, even though he's probably 3, 000 years old, but he is supposed to be a teenager, so he can't.
Speaker B:I mean, he was totally giving off pedophilia vibes.
Speaker B:So now.
Speaker B:Now he's like, handless.
Speaker B:And he's running through the woods.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:Like, you do victim, and the other guy's, like, slowly chasing.
Speaker B:And then when he kind of gets them.
Speaker B:So there's a little bit of a chase scene here.
Speaker B:You know, Wanders through the mud and.
Speaker B:And what's.
Speaker B:What are we calling this kid?
Speaker B:What's his kid's name?
Speaker A:Charles.
Speaker B:Charles jumps him and it's like, you know, I guess ripping out his throat, but it looks a little suggestive.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:That he's.
Speaker B:The way he's laying on top of him.
Speaker B:You see the back of his, like, football jacket and, like, the flailing guy underneath looks like he got what he wanted.
Speaker A:He got what he wanted.
Speaker A:Yeah, he got.
Speaker A:He got it.
Speaker A:He got a throat full of something and got throw full of somebody's teeth.
Speaker A:But that's okay.
Speaker B:What else got paid?
Speaker B:Is this.
Speaker B:Have we met Clovis yet?
Speaker A:Clovis.
Speaker A:How can I forget Clovis?
Speaker A:Clovis is my reason for loving this movie.
Speaker A:I love Clovis.
Speaker A:Clovis is the man of my dreams.
Speaker A:Tell me about Clovis.
Speaker A:Who's Clovis?
Speaker B:Clovis is the hero of this movie, 100%.
Speaker A:Come on, boy.
Speaker A:Come on, boy.
Speaker A:Get the bad guy.
Speaker A:Get the bad guy.
Speaker A:Get the bad guy.
Speaker A:Come on, Clovis.
Speaker A:Here we go.
Speaker B:Get that.
Speaker A:Good boy, Clovis.
Speaker B:So I have to tell you so that they've already established already.
Speaker B:So in their new house, the cats are starting to kind of very slowly, one or two is kind of sneaking up on the house.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:And they've got traps, like really brutal bear traps.
Speaker B:Bear traps out for these cats to snag them.
Speaker B:And you know, every now and then you hear one close and it kills the cat.
Speaker B:A lot of cat deaths in this.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker B:And so you.
Speaker B:So you know these, you know, they have no problem with killing off cats in this movie.
Speaker A:No, they don't.
Speaker B:No problem whatsoever.
Speaker B:And now we meet Clovis.
Speaker A:I'm sorry, that's the one thing we left out about the description at the beginning is that what.
Speaker A:What is the one thing that the sleepwalkers are.
Speaker A:What's their fatal flaw?
Speaker B:Cats.
Speaker B:The big cat people don't like little cats.
Speaker B:No.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:The scratch of cat is the only thing that can kill them.
Speaker A:It's their wooden.
Speaker A:It's a stake of the heart.
Speaker A:It's a silver bullet.
Speaker A:Ye.
Speaker B:Oh, right.
Speaker B:Cat scratch.
Speaker A:So that's why the cat.
Speaker A:The cats smell something wrong and they're just.
Speaker A:They're just little by little, surrounding the.
Speaker B:House little by little till it's like.
Speaker B:It's almost like die the living dead with that.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker B:They slowly.
Speaker B:So you end up with a clouder of cats.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:We're not going to do anything yet because we need numbers.
Speaker A:But we're just going to start assembling really slowly.
Speaker A:We're just.
Speaker B:And they get nervous and she's like.
Speaker B:She spends a lot of time like looking out the window.
Speaker B:Like, don't open window for some reason.
Speaker B:Like close the freaking window if you.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:She's starving.
Speaker A:She's starving and she's weak from hugger uncle book.
Speaker A:She can't fight off those cats.
Speaker E:You didn't get it?
Speaker A:No.
Speaker E:Why didn't you get anything?
Speaker F:I just couldn't.
Speaker E:What are you talking about?
Speaker E:Starving, Charles.
Speaker B:She can't fight off those cats.
Speaker A:She can't possibly fight off those cats.
Speaker B:Then we meet like this kind of like the sheriff.
Speaker B:There's like the Sheriff.
Speaker A:The sheriff.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker B:Somebody.
Speaker A:Sheriff Dan Martin.
Speaker A:And I can't read what else he was in.
Speaker B:I feel like he looked a little familiar.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:I can't read what it is.
Speaker A:I can't read.
Speaker B:A big handsome black guy.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:In the 90s.
Speaker B:You must have seen him in 100 Things.
Speaker A:Ding dong.
Speaker A:Back to from the future here again.
Speaker A:Guess you have seen actor Dan Martin in hundreds of things.
Speaker A:Literally.
Speaker A:He's got a list of TV credits.
Speaker A:It's over 100 shows.
Speaker C:Wrong.
Speaker A:Mostly One offs.
Speaker A:And that's beautifully.
Speaker A:Nothing wrong with that.
Speaker A: Bold and the beautiful since: Speaker A:That was a lot of bees in a row.
Speaker A:Alliterations.
Speaker A:Fun.
Speaker A:Back to the show.
Speaker B:But he's sitting in his car talking to his cat Clovis, and they're just having a little moment, the two of them.
Speaker B:He's got a.
Speaker B:That's who's riding shotgun.
Speaker B:Clovis.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:And.
Speaker B:And who comes speeding by, but Charles and his blue Trans Am has just murdered this.
Speaker B:You know, the school teacher flies by, and the sheriff's like, oh, I got some work to do.
Speaker B:So he starts.
Speaker B:And they start this car chase, which is almost the beginning of where the movie starts to turn, because this car chase is like a really long car chase.
Speaker B:It lasts a while.
Speaker A:It goes on for too long.
Speaker B:And how does it end?
Speaker A:Well, on the.
Speaker A:How did this get made?
Speaker A:Podcast, they referred to was this little scene that happens.
Speaker A:It's kind of like the sleep.
Speaker A:It's kind of like if you saw Lon Chaney in his normal form and, like, he farted, and all of a sudden the werewolf came out for one second.
Speaker A:Like, he lost control for, like, one second.
Speaker A:So it's kind of like sleepwalker farted when he saw Clovis.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah, that's right.
Speaker B:They end up going to each other, and I think the guy's gonna.
Speaker B:Somebody's gonna shoot somebody or somebody's about to do something major.
Speaker B:And then the cat kind of peeks his head up like.
Speaker B:What's the driving cat movie from San Cat Movie?
Speaker A:Oh.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah.
Speaker A:Him.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:I don't.
Speaker A:I know.
Speaker A:He may.
Speaker B:The cat's almost.
Speaker B:That.
Speaker B:He kind of stinks his head almost.
Speaker B:And.
Speaker B:And it makes Charles, like, freak out.
Speaker B:And his face goes into, like, putty and bad.
Speaker A:What the.
Speaker A:Yeah, his face changes.
Speaker A:It faces.
Speaker B:It's like the beginning of computer stuff where they haven't really figured it out yet.
Speaker A:It's.
Speaker A:It's shitty cgi and the monster design isn't great.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:When you finally get it, it's like the final.
Speaker A:Final Sleepwalker, I think looks cool.
Speaker A:The one where it looks like it's carved and it's Egyptian, but everything else looks like just mushy, silly putty, muddy.
Speaker B:Like, they didn't have it down yet, though.
Speaker B:But there's a nice mix of, like, with.
Speaker B:With real gore.
Speaker B:I feel like.
Speaker A:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker A:I didn't.
Speaker A:I.
Speaker A:You know, what are you gonna do?
Speaker A:It's the 90s that's all we had.
Speaker B:Right, right.
Speaker B:So it freaks him out.
Speaker B:He pulls off to the side, he does this a little shimmer thing, and he makes his car disappear because he's got this power.
Speaker B:He's at full capacity because he just ate this kid guy and he.
Speaker B:He makes his car disappear.
Speaker B:And then the cop kind of pulls alongside the.
Speaker B:You know, just happens to stop right next to where the car should be.
Speaker B:And he's all confused and he's like, I don't know what to do.
Speaker B:And then Clovis.
Speaker B:Clovis got a little sixth sense.
Speaker B:And I don't.
Speaker B:I forget how that ends, but.
Speaker A:Well, well, well, like.
Speaker A:Like they said, like my favorite line in Cat People, which we covered last time.
Speaker A:Oh, lordy me.
Speaker A:You could fool some people some of the time, but you can't fool a cat.
Speaker A:The cat sees right through this and he's growling at him.
Speaker A:This was one of my favorite lines that.
Speaker A:Stop looking at me.
Speaker F:Stop looking at me.
Speaker F:Stop looking at me, you cat.
Speaker A:Stop looking at me, you cat.
Speaker B:Which made my blood bingo list.
Speaker B:You cat.
Speaker A:But nothing comes of it.
Speaker A:Yeah, it just.
Speaker A:It's just.
Speaker A:It's.
Speaker A:It's.
Speaker A:Now we're on.
Speaker A:We're on the.
Speaker A:He's on the sheriff's radar.
Speaker A:He's going to be on.
Speaker A:The sheriff's going to be looking for him, and he's on Clovis's radar, which is much more important.
Speaker B:And he still doesn't have the girl?
Speaker B:Not yet, no.
Speaker A:Well, they're about to go on their date.
Speaker A:Where they go on their date.
Speaker B:First he brings it.
Speaker B:She shows up unexpected at his house.
Speaker A:Oh, right, right, right, right, right.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:And so she comes in and the mother's like.
Speaker B:And the son's trying to, like, trying to keep them apart a little bit.
Speaker B:And the mother's like, oh, no.
Speaker B:Come in, come in.
Speaker B:I'd like to meet you very.
Speaker B:You know, come me.
Speaker B:Come look at my.
Speaker B:My, my planter of feathers.
Speaker D:Oh, this is a bad time.
Speaker E:Nonsense.
Speaker E:I'm so glad you came by.
Speaker D:Thank you.
Speaker F:Well, we really ought to go.
Speaker F:The light for Tanya's pictures will be.
Speaker E:Just fine for hours yet.
Speaker E:Come in, Tanya.
Speaker E:I have something for you.
Speaker D:You do?
Speaker E:I won't keep you long.
Speaker E:No.
Speaker E:Young people have to run and play.
Speaker A:Well, yeah, well, I get this, you know, when you're a teenager and your date shows up at the door, you don't want them to meet your mom or dad either.
Speaker A:I totally get this because I can see in this case, she's gonna say something stupid.
Speaker A:She's gonna get too aggressive, be like, I'll see her now.
Speaker B:Yeah, she's gonna suck.
Speaker B:She would.
Speaker B:She would be willing to go right there, like, suck the face.
Speaker A:Are you nice?
Speaker A:Are you nice?
Speaker A:Do you think.
Speaker A:Do you do things like this, like I do with my son?
Speaker A:Want to see the hickey my son gave me?
Speaker B:And meanwhile, then kind of behind the girl's back, she takes up these giant shears, whips around at the same time and snaps them shut.
Speaker B:And you think she's gonna cut off the girl's nose, but instead she goes for a rose, places it lovingly in her hair.
Speaker D:Wow, those are your cats.
Speaker D:There's a lot of them.
Speaker E:Oh, they're strays, but we'll get rid of them.
Speaker E:We're good at getting rid of pest there.
Speaker E:It finishes you somehow.
Speaker D:Thank you.
Speaker D:That's very sweet.
Speaker E:Oh, sweets to the sweet, I always say.
Speaker E:Right, Charles?
Speaker A:And I love that she says, sweets to the sweet.
Speaker A:Everybody thinks it's a romantic thing to say, and it's not.
Speaker B:It's not.
Speaker A:It's from Hamlet.
Speaker A:It's a funeral blessing.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:When the queen.
Speaker A:The queen's throwing flowers on feelings graves, she says, sweets to the sweep.
Speaker A:I love sweets to the sweet.
Speaker A:It's.
Speaker A:You're gonna die.
Speaker B:So they're all, this is for your grave.
Speaker B:Go off on your date now.
Speaker A:They're.
Speaker A:They're off to the rodeo.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:Hey, there comes Johnny with his pecker in his hand.
Speaker C:He's a one ball man.
Speaker A:And he's off to the rodeo.
Speaker B:And where are they going?
Speaker A:Homeland Security Cemetery for some rubbing.
Speaker B:Which is down.
Speaker B:Usually cemeteries are up a hill.
Speaker B:This one I noticed was kind of down a hill which looked a little.
Speaker B:Little, you know, flood prone.
Speaker A:Yes, me Take it up.
Speaker A:Take it up with Travis, Indiana Town Council.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:I don't want to tell you, but.
Speaker B:It'S a nice, creepy little cemetery.
Speaker B:A little, you know, got a little Buffy vibe going.
Speaker A:Which.
Speaker A:Which apparently is where everybody goes to neck.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker B:And take photos and do grave rubbings and.
Speaker B:And have a lovely picnic with wine.
Speaker B:She stole a wine bottle.
Speaker B:Which I thought was going to come in more in handy.
Speaker A:Well, it does.
Speaker A:I mean, the corkscrew sure does.
Speaker B:The corkscrew sure does.
Speaker B:Oh, sure does.
Speaker B:Sure does.
Speaker B:So this is pretty much right about this is exact moment where he kind of shows his true colors and he kind of jumps her or.
Speaker B:Or does something like he makes a move on her and they fall and they do this kind of very interesting camera angle where you're rolling with them.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:And basically.
Speaker B:And you're.
Speaker B:And you just.
Speaker B:And the movie is rolling downhill.
Speaker A:Hush.
Speaker A:This is when it's picking up for me.
Speaker A:But.
Speaker A:No, but it's.
Speaker A:It's.
Speaker A:It's your.
Speaker A:It's a perfect date up.
Speaker A:It's.
Speaker A:It's daylight.
Speaker A:It's golden hour, so everything looks like magic.
Speaker F:It's really beautiful here.
Speaker F:So are you, Tanya.
Speaker D:Thank you, Charles.
Speaker F:I better get these out of the way right off.
Speaker F:Your mother's gonna want to know some rubbing went on out here.
Speaker D:Me too, Charles.
Speaker A:And.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker A:Oh.
Speaker A:Oh.
Speaker A:Oh, I'm sorry I surprised you and we surprised each other.
Speaker A:No, no.
Speaker A:And we fell and we're rolling down a hill and.
Speaker A:Oh, no.
Speaker A:I'm accidentally on top of you.
Speaker A:What are we gonna do?
Speaker A:Oh, first kiss.
Speaker B:And he.
Speaker F:Oh, sorry.
Speaker F:Sorry.
Speaker D:No sorrys.
Speaker A:Yeah, she is into it.
Speaker A:She was.
Speaker A:She was down for it.
Speaker A:She knew exactly what she was there to do.
Speaker A:She's under pressure from her slutty friends and she has never been here before.
Speaker A:She's got at least.
Speaker A:Got to get a kiss out of this.
Speaker A:He might.
Speaker A:He might run off with one of my slutty friends.
Speaker B:Is this his first sucker out?
Speaker B:Suck the life out of her move?
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:I mean, they.
Speaker A:They.
Speaker A:They.
Speaker A:They kiss a few times and then she's.
Speaker A:He even.
Speaker A:He even tests her a few more times.
Speaker A:He's like, I'm sorry if I'm moving too fast.
Speaker A:She's like, no, it's okay.
Speaker A:No.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:You asked for it.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:You give it.
Speaker B:You giving.
Speaker B:You're giving the okay?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:And then all of a sudden, it's hurting her.
Speaker A:It's.
Speaker A:It's.
Speaker A:You just see something changed in the way he puts his mouth over her mouth instead of on her mouth.
Speaker A:And she starts to struggle when he pulls back for like one second, there's lasers shooting between them.
Speaker A:He's sucking her soul out.
Speaker A:I couldn't breathe.
Speaker F:Is this the excitement you were talking about?
Speaker B:Tanya.
Speaker E:Right?
Speaker F:We do understand each other, Tanya.
Speaker F:This is just how we live.
Speaker F:Tanya.
Speaker F:Tanya doesn't have to hurt.
Speaker B:Sucking her so loud.
Speaker B:And what did she do?
Speaker A:She.
Speaker B:She somehow gets out of that first.
Speaker A:She hit with the camera.
Speaker A:But here's what I love about this.
Speaker A:It's like this.
Speaker A:This girl is like she is the innocent in this thing.
Speaker A:And you think she's.
Speaker A:She's not going to be able.
Speaker A:Able to fight for herself at all.
Speaker A:Major damage.
Speaker A:Puts up one hell of a fight.
Speaker A:She hits him with that camera first, and then she gets.
Speaker A:She goes for him with the corkscrew.
Speaker A:And she doesn't go for him in the shoulder.
Speaker A:She goes for the eye.
Speaker A:She takes his eye out.
Speaker A:Her first instinct is to take his eye.
Speaker A:And I say, that's a fighter.
Speaker A:I love this girl.
Speaker A:Baby, I lied.
Speaker F:It does have to hurt.
Speaker A:Feed Natan.
Speaker A:Yeah, Mother's hungry.
Speaker A:Just look at his shirt.
Speaker A:My mother's gonna kill me.
Speaker D:Get off me.
Speaker A:Get up.
Speaker A:She may be innocent, but she knows how to take care of herself.
Speaker A:And ye for you.
Speaker A:And it's a brutal fight.
Speaker A:The thing is, the stuff that it gets overshadowed by all this other stuff, the stuff that happens to Maej and Emmett in this movie is brutal.
Speaker A:She gets punched in the face by supernatural creatures really hard, like four times.
Speaker B:Yeah, she's.
Speaker B:She's taking a beating.
Speaker B:That's a fight.
Speaker B:And which should be amazing.
Speaker B:But here's where they fuck it up with these bad one liners because you think he's dead.
Speaker B:And then he sits up.
Speaker B:They do this whole build up where like she kind of, you know, he thinks, he thinks he's dead.
Speaker B:And she said she feels bad and she's walking up to him and then.
Speaker A:He jumps up and says, I lied, Tanya.
Speaker A:It does have to hurt or something like that.
Speaker B:No, I wrote it down.
Speaker B:Pika, baby.
Speaker A:Pick a baby.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:And I.
Speaker A:I get it.
Speaker A:This was.
Speaker A:This was the Freddy Krueger era.
Speaker A:This is what sold.
Speaker A:And it's not good because it's a total character change.
Speaker A:And like, the thing is the lines.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Could have been delivered in a different way, but this is how he was directed to do.
Speaker A:It's not his fault.
Speaker A:But, yeah, terrible.
Speaker A:And it's a groaner.
Speaker A:And it does take me out of the movie, unfortunately.
Speaker B:And it changes the movie from there going forward because.
Speaker B:Because now we're going to get a lot more.
Speaker A:A lot more of those.
Speaker A:And a lot, A lot of them I've learned to excuse.
Speaker A:They're not as bad.
Speaker A:Like the one where he's like, no, Tanya is supposed to hurt.
Speaker A:That's a good one.
Speaker A:Am I hurting you?
Speaker A:No.
Speaker A:Good, because it's not supposed to.
Speaker A:Yeah, it does.
Speaker A:Yeah, it does.
Speaker A:Supposed to hurt.
Speaker A:It's much more.
Speaker A:It tastes much better if I hurt you.
Speaker A:But this fight, this.
Speaker A:This fight's brutal.
Speaker A:It's fights brutal.
Speaker A:But she manages to get away enough to run outside just in time as the cops going by and seeing that.
Speaker A:That blue Trans Am is parked outside.
Speaker B:Which he'd seen before.
Speaker A:Yeah, it's the one that, that it's.
Speaker A:And Clovis is like.
Speaker B:And then of course, the cop does.
Speaker B:She's like, she.
Speaker B:She gets away.
Speaker B:She's up at the top.
Speaker B:And she's like, oh, we gotta go, we gotta go.
Speaker B:And the cops, like, I have to investigate.
Speaker B:She's like, no, no, we gotta go.
Speaker B:He's not normal.
Speaker B:He's like, come on.
Speaker B:So we gotta go.
Speaker B:Doesn't listen.
Speaker A:Of course not.
Speaker A:It doesn't listen.
Speaker A:It doesn't look.
Speaker A:He's never looking where she's pointing, which always drives me crazy, which is annoying.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:He's more concerned about getting control, controlling this.
Speaker A:This young girl who's terrified rather than it finding out what the hell she's pointing at.
Speaker D:Help me, please.
Speaker D:Get me out of here.
Speaker A:He's trying to kill me.
Speaker A:Calm down, calm down.
Speaker B:Tell me what happened.
Speaker A:Please know.
Speaker A:He's right behind me.
Speaker A:Him.
Speaker B:We'll get him.
Speaker D:No, you don't understand.
Speaker C:He's j.
Speaker A:One thing at a time, sweetheart.
Speaker B:This guy have a name?
Speaker D:His name is Charles, but he's not human.
Speaker B:His face changed.
Speaker A:Face changed.
Speaker A:Get it.
Speaker B:Get in the car.
Speaker A:Lock it.
Speaker A:No, we both have to go.
Speaker D:Please.
Speaker B:Look, just calm down.
Speaker A:Ding dong.
Speaker A:Fucking listen to women, Sheriff.
Speaker A:You ding dong.
Speaker B:No, no, he.
Speaker D:No, we both have to go.
Speaker A:Calm down.
Speaker C:Okay?
Speaker A:No.
Speaker A:And yeah.
Speaker A:What happens?
Speaker B:He puts her in the back seat, closes the door.
Speaker B:Does he close the door yet?
Speaker B:I don't know.
Speaker B:He puts her in the back seat and then he takes out a gun and he shoots him.
Speaker B:And it doesn't do anything.
Speaker A:Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Speaker A:Cop kebab.
Speaker A:Everything's gonna be all right.
Speaker F:Cop kebab.
Speaker B:Oh, cop kebab.
Speaker B:I have that written down.
Speaker B:Ear.
Speaker A:I'm sure that was a bingo.
Speaker B:Why is it cop kebab?
Speaker A:Because he skewered him with a pencil.
Speaker A:He put him on a steak.
Speaker A:It's not a good joke, right?
Speaker B:And you see?
Speaker B:All right.
Speaker B:Oh, man.
Speaker A:Right in the ear.
Speaker A:Right in the ear.
Speaker A:Right in the ear.
Speaker A:And then he fall.
Speaker B:Kind of a killer move.
Speaker B:Okay, but he's not.
Speaker A:But, well, no, that's really not a killer move.
Speaker A:That right away.
Speaker A:But then he falls on it like a racer first and drives it further.
Speaker B:Brutal.
Speaker B:Brutal.
Speaker B:And there's a lot more that this.
Speaker B:The movie does.
Speaker B:A lot of these too.
Speaker B:Like, really like pants.
Speaker B:Like.
Speaker B:Like where you make the audience is supposed to like, groan and.
Speaker A:And then it goes one step further.
Speaker A:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker A:You thought that was bad.
Speaker A:We're gonna make it worse.
Speaker B:But yeah, we got another one.
Speaker A:But yeah, but he's.
Speaker A:It hasn't killed him yet.
Speaker A:And he's trying to shoot him and he misses and.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah.
Speaker B:And no.
Speaker B:Does he Miss.
Speaker B:So does he not shoot or something?
Speaker A:I don't remember.
Speaker A:I don't think he can figure out.
Speaker B:And somehow he walks up to him, he takes the gun and he shoots the guy.
Speaker A:Shoots the cop and the cop.
Speaker F:I don't believe you fired a warning shot, officer.
Speaker A:And man.
Speaker A:Clovis, Clovis, Clovis.
Speaker A:Delivering the best performance of the movie right here.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker B:Perfect.
Speaker B:Saves.
Speaker B:Saves the day.
Speaker A:No, well, Clovis, yeah, it does save the day.
Speaker A:But then after it's all, you know, saves her.
Speaker A:Just scratches the hell out of him.
Speaker A:And there's smoke coming out.
Speaker A:And he's freaking out.
Speaker F:Now, where were we, Tanya?
Speaker B:So he gets pretty up from about here, right?
Speaker A:This basically kills him.
Speaker A:I mean, he dies later on from these women.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah, because he gets the cat scratch, so he can't.
Speaker B:So he drives off.
Speaker B:He drives off and he's up.
Speaker A:But.
Speaker A:But just with Clovis, because Clovis goes and sits on his.
Speaker A:On his dead shot.
Speaker A:Arab.
Speaker A:Best performance of the movie right there.
Speaker A:But no.
Speaker A:Poor Clovis.
Speaker A:Poor Clovis.
Speaker A:Of course, now.
Speaker A:Now Clovis has got to go all John Wick on these.
Speaker B:And now I can't say this girl's name.
Speaker B:Michelin.
Speaker B:Michelin.
Speaker A:Ma.
Speaker B:Does it rhyme with nothing?
Speaker A:It's German.
Speaker B:All right, so mate gets on the horn and she's like.
Speaker B:It's a 101.
Speaker B:Goodbye.
Speaker B:Hello.
Speaker B:Hello.
Speaker B:We got a problem.
Speaker B:Cops down.
Speaker B:Goodbye over, out.
Speaker B:We need all.
Speaker A:All forces, stupid.
Speaker A:The other runs like.
Speaker A:You're not using proper cb.
Speaker B:She was off.
Speaker A:Hello?
Speaker D:Hello?
Speaker B:Hello.
Speaker D:Help me, please.
Speaker D:Somebody help me.
Speaker B:Andy, get with the program.
Speaker B:But now the cops are involved.
Speaker B:They know there's something going on.
Speaker A:Yeah, but.
Speaker A:Yeah, but we think it's over.
Speaker A:Like, okay, she's.
Speaker A:She's in custody and she's not.
Speaker A:She's safe.
Speaker A:You think she's safe now?
Speaker A:But, yeah, he's gone home to Mama.
Speaker A:And Mama's like, Mama.
Speaker A:He's, of course freaking.
Speaker A:And this is where the movie shifts because, like I said, this is basically killed Charles.
Speaker A:He spends the rest of the movie on the sofa.
Speaker A:Dying ain't.
Speaker F:I'm sorry, Mom.
Speaker A:I tried.
Speaker F:I really, really tried.
Speaker F:It was the cat.
Speaker F:It was a kid.
Speaker B:You were right.
Speaker F:Finally got each other.
Speaker A:It doesn't matter.
Speaker E:Save your strength.
Speaker A:That is it.
Speaker E:But you'll be okay, honey.
Speaker E:I'm afraid they'll be coming for a suit.
Speaker A:And now we got to deal with the wrath of Mama.
Speaker A:And Mama is much scarier than he ever was.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:And I wish they didn't give Her.
Speaker A:The one liners.
Speaker A:Because she's so much scarier without them.
Speaker B:I agree.
Speaker B:When she was just acting kind of sweet.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:Like, comes to the door with flowers, like, I'm sorry.
Speaker B:About what?
Speaker B:My son.
Speaker B:No.
Speaker A:Oh, I'm so sorry.
Speaker A:I brought you these flowers.
Speaker A:Like, big smiles and that.
Speaker A:And that charming voice.
Speaker A:Like, oh, fuck off.
Speaker A:Oh.
Speaker A:The other thing that I loved here, that was terrifying.
Speaker A:The other thing that I thought was terrifying here.
Speaker A:I have to go back concerned.
Speaker A:This.
Speaker A:And the thing that really broke me about this scene, it was a really honest moment, was when she was explaining to the cops what happened.
Speaker A:She's like, no, he's on.
Speaker A:He.
Speaker A:He'll be on my camera.
Speaker D:Listen to me.
Speaker D:I know I sound crazy.
Speaker D:You're not getting the point.
Speaker D:Charles isn't human.
Speaker A:And.
Speaker A:And I took pictures of him.
Speaker A:His face will be on there.
Speaker A:And this is what happened.
Speaker A:You don't understand.
Speaker A:This happened.
Speaker A:Like, his face changed.
Speaker A:I don't think he's human.
Speaker A:And the last thing she said was, he was really charming.
Speaker B:I'll have to come over later tonight.
Speaker A:And ask you a few more questions.
Speaker A:All right?
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:Are you sure his name was Charles Brady?
Speaker D:That's what he said.
Speaker B:You think he was telling the truth?
Speaker D:I don't know.
Speaker D:He was.
Speaker D:He was very charming.
Speaker A:Oh, honey, they all always are.
Speaker A:The monsters always are.
Speaker A:You poor thing.
Speaker A:You just learned a life lesson that I wish you didn't have to learn.
Speaker A:But you did.
Speaker A:But at least you survived this time.
Speaker A:I thought, that's great.
Speaker A:Oh, also, this whole scene, before we get too far, this whole scene where the cops are investigating is.
Speaker A:Is.
Speaker A:Is.
Speaker A:Is.
Speaker A:Is Cameo City.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker B:The popping in.
Speaker A:Now, everybody, like everybody, there's one scene.
Speaker B:Rob Perlman's there.
Speaker A:Rob Perlman's not a cameo.
Speaker A:He's got a real.
Speaker A:He's got a real part in this.
Speaker A:But we've got Stephen King pops in.
Speaker A:Of course, because he always does.
Speaker A:I ain't taking the rap on this.
Speaker A:I lock this place up every night.
Speaker A:It's not my fault if every pervert weirdo don't talk.
Speaker A:Stephen King pops in.
Speaker A:He's talking to Toby Hooper.
Speaker A:Texas Chancellor Massacre.
Speaker A:Go talk to someone in charge.
Speaker C:I'm busy.
Speaker A:Clyde Barker is.
Speaker A:Clyde Parker Barker's there.
Speaker A:Okay, don't talk to me.
Speaker A:Talk to the sheriff.
Speaker A:Stu Charno From Friday the 13th Part 2 shows up.
Speaker B:Sheriff, I need to document these bruises.
Speaker B:Oh, that's who that was.
Speaker B:That was driving me nuts.
Speaker A:The redhead guy.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:And later on, we get.
Speaker A:We get Joe Dante and John Landis.
Speaker C:This is how they came out of the camera.
Speaker A:That's it.
Speaker C:So was the camera moving or.
Speaker A:No.
Speaker A:See, the background and the clothes are in focus.
Speaker A:So, yeah, all these great hard directors show up in this movie.
Speaker A:So for these little cameos, which is kind of amazing.
Speaker B:Like, how did.
Speaker B:How did they pull that off?
Speaker A:I don't know.
Speaker A:Well, you know, I guess they all just know each other and they just.
Speaker B:They're trying to be really supportive of it.
Speaker A:It's a Stephen K.
Speaker A:Movie.
Speaker A:We're going to get paid a lot for.
Speaker A:For.
Speaker A:For, you know, hour.
Speaker A:An hour's worth of work.
Speaker B:He was actually kind of interesting in that he's.
Speaker B:He plays like, this guy just, you know, doesn't want to get in trouble.
Speaker B:He's like the grave owner graveyard.
Speaker A:Totally unnecessary scene.
Speaker A:But it's fun to just see everybody.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Just walking around, like, thinking somebody else is the ball.
Speaker A:And it's cameos done, Right?
Speaker A:Because you don't.
Speaker A:If you don't know, you don't know.
Speaker A:They don't put big.
Speaker A:They don't put big bullseyes on them.
Speaker A:Like, look at this famous bird.
Speaker A:Then look at the end joke.
Speaker A:They're just passing through.
Speaker A:And you catch it or you don't.
Speaker A:I think that's nice.
Speaker A:But, yeah, Rob Perlman shows up.
Speaker A:He's the state trooper.
Speaker A:Because they're getting involved now.
Speaker C:And perp history by now.
Speaker C:Ira, he killed one of my men.
Speaker C:Look, all you got is one hysterical little girl with a very vivid imagination.
Speaker C:What about the cats?
Speaker C:What about Amira?
Speaker A:Listen, that little girl needs a good.
Speaker C:Smack on the butt.
Speaker C:And if her mama and daddy won't.
Speaker A:Do it, I'll happily volunteer.
Speaker B:Stay away from her.
Speaker B:Soames.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker A:This.
Speaker A:This last thing when mama just rages siege on this poor family is all crazy.
Speaker A:She takes out the whole police force.
Speaker A:Course it's nuts.
Speaker B:Identify yourself.
Speaker A:Police officers.
Speaker A:Maybe it was the wind.
Speaker B:It was not the wind.
Speaker E:You're right.
Speaker E:That was not the wind.
Speaker B:So now we're at the final third part.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:Correct.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:This is.
Speaker B:This is where the mother takes over.
Speaker B:And she's now the monster.
Speaker B:She's now the.
Speaker B:The whole antagonist for the rest of the movie.
Speaker B:The sun's dying on the couch and she is attic.
Speaker B:She's like the Terminator.
Speaker B:Yes, she's totally doing terminal hot Terminator.
Speaker B:Showing up doors with flowers, trying to get her foot in the door.
Speaker E:Hi, I'm Mary Brady, Charles's mother.
Speaker E:Charles couldn't come himself.
Speaker A:Donald, who is it?
Speaker B:I'll take care of it, Helen.
Speaker B:Just stay in the kitchen.
Speaker C:Look, Mrs.
Speaker C:Brady.
Speaker E:But I know he wanted you to have these flowers.
Speaker A:Donald.
Speaker B:And then smacking the vase over the guy's head and I don't know if she killed him, but she.
Speaker B:She definitely did some damage.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Takes out the mom too.
Speaker E:Yes, if you just call your daughter for me.
Speaker B:What?
Speaker E:My son is badly hurt.
Speaker E:He may be dying.
Speaker E:Your daughter tried to kill my Charles.
Speaker A:Good.
Speaker A:I hope he dies.
Speaker A:I hope you both die.
Speaker A:I hope you both die and rot in hell.
Speaker A:He's my son.
Speaker B:My only son.
Speaker A:Did she take it?
Speaker A:Everybody who comes to contact with she's got the worst line in the movie Them.
Speaker B:Yes, she sure does.
Speaker B:What was it?
Speaker B:Where's Ira?
Speaker A:Horus, what's going on out.
Speaker A:There's a woman here.
Speaker B:She said she's the Brady kid's mother.
Speaker B:And I think she killed Don Robertson.
Speaker A:Slow down, Horace.
Speaker B:There's blood everywhere.
Speaker E:No vegetables, no dessert.
Speaker E:Those are the rules.
Speaker B:Oh my God.
Speaker B:And the what?
Speaker B:That's kind of the worst kill too, because what happens?
Speaker A:She stabs him?
Speaker A:She stabs somebody with an ear of corn.
Speaker B:An ear of corn?
Speaker A:Well, in theory it's dumb, but a corn cob is a very good weapon.
Speaker A:You know, it's what they made knives out of back in the day.
Speaker A:You know, you sharpen one, it's, it's.
Speaker A:It's very hard.
Speaker A:It's very.
Speaker A:And it could be really killer cop to have a blunt object shoved into your abdomen.
Speaker A:That hurts.
Speaker A:That is painful.
Speaker A:That is painful.
Speaker B:Right in the back.
Speaker A:But it's just not.
Speaker A:It doesn't work.
Speaker A:It doesn't work.
Speaker B:No, because then they show it and it just looks dumb.
Speaker B:Looks like it's sticking out of it.
Speaker B:It looks like it'd be great cosplay outfit.
Speaker A:I'm a cop from sleepwalkers.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Got stand in the back with corn.
Speaker A:He can wipe my butt on my corn cob.
Speaker A:No, don't do that.
Speaker A:Anyway, what Then she does a little.
Speaker B:Double headed head to head head knock Y.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker B:I think that's what John Landis maybe.
Speaker A:No, no, no, no, no.
Speaker A:John Landis was just.
Speaker A:He was where they were developing the film and they were like, oh, he's got no face.
Speaker A:It was him.
Speaker A:It was John Landis and Joe Dante looking at the film and that was it.
Speaker A:But no, it was just other cops that got killed here.
Speaker A:Lots, lots of dead random cops.
Speaker A:Cops had a fire.
Speaker A:Cops get their.
Speaker A:The poor sheriff gets impaled on a picket fence fenced.
Speaker B:And so they're going.
Speaker B:She's going strong with this.
Speaker B:She's wiping out her Whole family.
Speaker B:She.
Speaker B:She does this thing too where the.
Speaker B:Michelle gets a.
Speaker B:Jumps into a car.
Speaker B:Car and try, you know, can't get the car started.
Speaker B:She comes over, she breaks the window and then she grabs her arm.
Speaker B:She grabs Michelle's arm and tries to pull her out and she rakes her arm across like a.
Speaker B:Some glass that's sticking up.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Oh, my God.
Speaker B:That was.
Speaker B:That just bothered me so much.
Speaker A:She gets a beaten out of her.
Speaker A:This movie.
Speaker A:She really does, like emotionally, physically.
Speaker A:She really does.
Speaker B:She does.
Speaker A:She takes it like a chance.
Speaker A:She can't kill the girl herself.
Speaker A:She's got to bring him home to see if she can save her son.
Speaker A:If we can get him to eat, he won't die.
Speaker A:And then I won't die.
Speaker B:What's happening?
Speaker D:Where are you taking me?
Speaker A:To see Charles.
Speaker A:Dude, we got to get this girl home.
Speaker A:It can only be this one.
Speaker A:This is the one we've chosen.
Speaker A:We can't find another virgin now because there's no other virgins in Indiana.
Speaker A:So they're terrassing across town trying to get back to the house in time before Charles dies.
Speaker A:And the problem is by this time, the house is now surrounded by cats.
Speaker A:There is a battalion of cats all around house.
Speaker A:There's a sea of cats on the lawn.
Speaker A:And when the mother sees that, rather than deal with the cats at all, she's just like it.
Speaker A:She floors the gas and they just drive over the cats in the wall.
Speaker A:Trans Am in the living room.
Speaker A:Bang, bang, bang.
Speaker A:How this girl is not crippled.
Speaker A:I know.
Speaker A:No, poor, poor T.
Speaker B:And the son's dead already.
Speaker B:Is he.
Speaker B:Is he actually dead on the couch by now?
Speaker A:Unclear.
Speaker A:He's not well, like he's not responding to any.
Speaker A:No, because she.
Speaker B:She's definitely not.
Speaker A:The mother's acting like he's alive and poor Todd is like he's dead.
Speaker A:What do you.
Speaker A:Look at him.
Speaker A:He's dead.
Speaker B:He's got full cat face.
Speaker A:It's like it's half in, half out.
Speaker A:It's like half.
Speaker A:Half man, half cat.
Speaker A:But it's all mushy.
Speaker A:It's all mushy.
Speaker A:Like every.
Speaker A:His.
Speaker A:His eyeballs hanging out.
Speaker A:She put the corkscrew in there, which I loved.
Speaker A:See what?
Speaker E:Mommy's body.
Speaker D:He's dead.
Speaker D:Look at him.
Speaker D:He's dead.
Speaker A:No, not dead.
Speaker E:He's sleeping.
Speaker E:Can't you see he's sleeping?
Speaker E:You know what?
Speaker E:I bet he'd love to.
Speaker E:Do you like to dance, wouldn't you, my darling?
Speaker B:And she's like, let's dance.
Speaker A:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker A:And by the Way.
Speaker A:That song.
Speaker A:Do you know the name of that song?
Speaker A:That 50 song they keep playing?
Speaker A:The instrumental.
Speaker A:It's called Sleepwalk.
Speaker A:No, the name of the song is Sleepwalk by Santo and Johnny.
Speaker A:1959.
Speaker B:Oh, there's a little Enya running around here too, right?
Speaker A:That song by Enya is another star of the film.
Speaker B:Pops in a couple of times.
Speaker A:It pops in a couple of times, but it changes the mood and it's such a wonderful.
Speaker A:We'll come back to that.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:Did that come first?
Speaker B:Was that song a hit before this movie?
Speaker A:It wasn't a hit, but it was just out according to Mick Garris.
Speaker A:It was like they were offered her her entire library.
Speaker A:Like they're like, you have to use one of her songs.
Speaker A:And they're like, okay.
Speaker A:And he said, this is the only one.
Speaker A:This song's great.
Speaker A:The rest of the stuff is going to work for this movie.
Speaker A:But this song is moody and creepy and sexy and strange.
Speaker A:Strange.
Speaker A:It's perfect.
Speaker A:It's mysterious.
Speaker B:Wow.
Speaker A:And it is.
Speaker A:Every time it plays, it change.
Speaker A:It changes the tone of the film, which I think is wonderful.
Speaker A:It adds.
Speaker A:It adds gravitas, which is one of my favorite words.
Speaker A:It adds gravy toes.
Speaker B:So mom is super kick ass.
Speaker B:She's.
Speaker B:She's.
Speaker B:It's not really working though, the dance scene, right?
Speaker B:No, he wakes up.
Speaker A:He wakes up in the middle of it.
Speaker A:All of a sudden he's fine.
Speaker B:Is that true?
Speaker A:Yeah, he kind of comes at some point.
Speaker A:He all of a sudden he's okay again.
Speaker A:Like he starts acting on his own.
Speaker A:And because she wakes.
Speaker A:Cause Tanya, the first thing she does is take out his other fucking eyes.
Speaker A:She puts both of her thumbs in her eyes.
Speaker A:I'm like, you go.
Speaker A:Keep going for those eyes.
Speaker A:This is how you save your life.
Speaker A:Relax.
Speaker E:He's a wonderful dance.
Speaker E:He'll lead.
Speaker A:That's it.
Speaker E:Dance.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker E:Now, Charles, now.
Speaker E:Good, good, Charles.
Speaker A:Feed sucker dry.
Speaker E:Stop, you're killing him.
Speaker A:Die.
Speaker A:This is exactly what they teach you in self defense class.
Speaker A:Don't be polite.
Speaker A:Go for the ice.
Speaker B:Good, good.
Speaker A:And she does.
Speaker A:I love her.
Speaker A:That's why I love her.
Speaker A:Like, go for it.
Speaker A:Yes, she takes him out.
Speaker A:But this is wonderful.
Speaker A:Now that the son's dead, she's.
Speaker A:That mom's just raging and all this is terrifying.
Speaker A:Like before she was like out for.
Speaker A:You know, she had.
Speaker A:I have to save my son.
Speaker A:There was a nobility to it.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Like, yeah.
Speaker A:She shows up at the porch.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:She's being polite and charming.
Speaker A:I brought you these sons.
Speaker A:I'm so Sorry about what my son did to you.
Speaker A:What a horrib thing.
Speaker A:Let's take go.
Speaker A:Yeah, she's.
Speaker A:But the mask is off.
Speaker A:She's like, everybody, Everybody dies.
Speaker A:Everybody dies.
Speaker B:She's taking them all out.
Speaker B:But now on top of that, there's a lot of cats.
Speaker A:The cats.
Speaker A:Have a ride.
Speaker A:Stop.
Speaker E:You're killing him.
Speaker A:Die.
Speaker A:And you know what?
Speaker A:There's something about all of these scenes of the cats.
Speaker A:When you see cats in mass, when you see cats on moss all doing the same thing, I'm going, oh, and this is pretty.
Speaker A:Like, they're not CGI cats.
Speaker A:Somewhat like in this.
Speaker A:In the crowd scene, some of them are clearly just dummy cats.
Speaker A:But when you just see a whole street full of cats running in the same direction going, what's going on?
Speaker A:What are they up to?
Speaker A:What do they have?
Speaker A:What do they all know that I don't know.
Speaker A:Something's up.
Speaker B:How many cat wranglers?
Speaker A:I don't know.
Speaker A:And what I also love is that McGarris and Mason Nemec were allergic to cats.
Speaker A:Mason's like, I can't tell anybody this because I'm not gonna get the job.
Speaker A:But she has almost no scenes with cats.
Speaker A:Except for Clovis.
Speaker A:But, but yeah, but yeah.
Speaker A:All these scenes of the cats on moths swarming this house of greatness.
Speaker A:When the, when the battle cry.
Speaker A:When Clovis shows up and the battle cry goes out and they are just pounding the out of her.
Speaker B:All this is great.
Speaker B:It's great.
Speaker C:Go.
Speaker A:And she's snapping their backs.
Speaker B:Oh, my God.
Speaker B:She's grabbing the throats.
Speaker A:The sheriff.
Speaker A:Sh.
Speaker A:The sheriff shows up and shoots her.
Speaker A:But she winds up in the same process shooting a cat off her back.
Speaker A:That goes bang across the room.
Speaker A:It's so rip.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:It's out of control.
Speaker C:It's brutal.
Speaker A:And I, I, I love cats, but I love all this.
Speaker A:Cuz I'm like, yeah, my cat would stand out for me if a sleepwalker showed up.
Speaker A:Isn't that right?
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker A:I don't know, Steve.
Speaker A:You don't see any sleepwalkers around, do.
Speaker A:No, I don't.
Speaker A:Good job.
Speaker A:But yeah, it's this crazy final battle.
Speaker A:The cat's.
Speaker A:But Clovis takes her to helm.
Speaker A:Clovis takes her down as Clovis month.
Speaker A:Clovis has to have the final word.
Speaker A:It.
Speaker B:It's pretty legendary.
Speaker A:I love this final moment too, with her just sitting in the cop car when it's all over.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker A:And Clover.
Speaker A:And Clovis jumps in.
Speaker A:She says, it's just you and me, Clovis.
Speaker D:Clovis.
Speaker D:It's just you and me, Clovis.
Speaker D:Just you and me.
Speaker A:It's just our two heroes, safe at last.
Speaker A:Safe in their little bubble, watching the world burn around them as Anya swells.
Speaker A:It's fabulous.
Speaker A:It's just you and me.
Speaker A:And I'm like, you know what?
Speaker A:I love that answer because it's like that's all she's got.
Speaker A:Everything else is gone.
Speaker B:And isn't that all of us?
Speaker A:Well, no, I mean, we don't know like the mom wasn't dead.
Speaker A:We don't know if the dad's dead.
Speaker A:We don't know who's dead, who's not.
Speaker A:But like her entire belief system, her entire world is crumbled.
Speaker A:The only thing that she knows it could protect her is this cat.
Speaker A:It's just you and me against this whole fucking world.
Speaker A:I'm keeping you forever.
Speaker B:She's going to be a lonely cat lady.
Speaker A:You were the only thing that kept me safe.
Speaker A:But only one cat.
Speaker A:Clover's got to live forever.
Speaker A:And I love the moment with, with the, with the Anya playing in the background and gravitas the whole thing.
Speaker B:And it's like, this is.
Speaker B:No, this is.
Speaker B:This is.
Speaker B:This is your.
Speaker B:This is your.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Happy ending.
Speaker B:It's happy as it's going to get.
Speaker A:Everybody got the cut what they need.
Speaker A:She was survived.
Speaker A:He got his revenge and she got a cat that's going to protect her like nobody else can in the way that nothing else in the world could.
Speaker A:Which I think is nice.
Speaker A:What I think is cool about her performance too is that there's an innocence to it.
Speaker A:Even though she's kicking ass at the end, that innocence never goes away.
Speaker A:She still feels like a young girl.
Speaker A:Like horror movies love to take that and it's like give it a character with that innocence and then like beat it out of them by the end of it.
Speaker A:They're this hardened war warrior.
Speaker A:We don't get that here.
Speaker A:And I love that she still retains some humanity.
Speaker B:Yeah, I thought she was good in it.
Speaker B:She was like.
Speaker B:She was one of the they want.
Speaker B:And I gotta say that.
Speaker B:What's her name?
Speaker B:Ann Cringe or what's her name?
Speaker B:Alice Cringe is pretty good.
Speaker B:Except for the.
Speaker B:Except for some shitty one liners.
Speaker B:It's probably not that.
Speaker A:Alice Craig.
Speaker A:Yeah, not her fault.
Speaker A:Not her fault.
Speaker A:That's the.
Speaker A:Yeah, I mean everybody's serving everything what they need to serve and they're doing what they can to elevate the material.
Speaker B:Besides the bed cat things are pretty good.
Speaker A:The, the.
Speaker A:The CGI is not good, but the gore stuff is great.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:And unexpected when it happens.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:It doesn't feel like it's going to be a gory movie, but then it is.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Surprisingly, yes.
Speaker A:And I didn't expect it to be this violent either, but some things I.
Speaker B:Had unknown about, like car chase, invisibles, incest, gay blackmail, mirror reveals.
Speaker B:There's a couple of those where they pass by a mirror and you see the real selves in it.
Speaker A:Oh, you know what?
Speaker A:If that was the thing, if you were asleep.
Speaker A:If you were a supernatural creature whose real identity could be reformed, revealed by a mirror, but you maybe take the mirrors down your house, maybe do that something.
Speaker A:Sorry.
Speaker A:Was sitting shiva today.
Speaker A:Sorry.
Speaker B:So the first half was pretty good.
Speaker B:The second half is nuts with a Z at the end.
Speaker B:Recommend it.
Speaker B:That's a tough one, right?
Speaker B:If you're in the movie.
Speaker A:I do.
Speaker A:I.
Speaker A:I love the movie.
Speaker A:So I will always recommend it because it is batshit crazy and you won't see anything else like it.
Speaker A:There's nothing else like this movie out except for cat creature 20 years before.
Speaker A:Yeah, but.
Speaker A:But still, same vibe.
Speaker A:Same vibe.
Speaker A:The whole.
Speaker A:That cat pylon at the end, exact same man's name just gets ripped to pieces.
Speaker A:I mean, would you recommend it?
Speaker A:Like, I mean, how did I.
Speaker A:How did it go over at your.
Speaker B:I have to say, it was kind of.
Speaker B:We were a little ruthless with it.
Speaker B:We.
Speaker B:Because a lot of people, it was a second rewatch for them.
Speaker B:For me, it was a first rewatch, first watch.
Speaker B:And.
Speaker B:And there was one girl.
Speaker B:I don't know if you know her.
Speaker B:Pick a lady.
Speaker A:Pick a lady.
Speaker A:Ladies.
Speaker A:All the big lady.
Speaker A:We love Pick a Lady.
Speaker B:She was like, you are being a little too hard on this movie.
Speaker B:You know, why don't you lighten up?
Speaker B:And she was right.
Speaker B:Like, we were like, okay, all right.
Speaker B:Like, we were judging it like it was Academy Award win, like, really picking it to pieces when it was kind of fun and it went.
Speaker B:And it tried.
Speaker A:I'm with Pick a Lady on this one, too, because, like, there, there, like, I will.
Speaker A:Like, the first thing I said to Uncle Spooky when I got on today is like, this is not a good movie, but there's.
Speaker A:There's great things in it.
Speaker A:And I think this is a movie that I think could do with a remake.
Speaker A:That a remake could save this movie.
Speaker B:I hate.
Speaker B:You know, it's just to iron out some of those, you know, or maybe take some stuff away or, you know.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Like a.
Speaker A:Let less.
Speaker A:Less of the car.
Speaker A:Changing things.
Speaker A:Because that.
Speaker B:Yeah, that was weird.
Speaker A:People a little more time explaining what the sleepwalkers are and how they work.
Speaker A:Like if we need.
Speaker A:If people understood that this is how they feed, I think they wouldn't get so hung up on the incest.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:Because it's not incest.
Speaker A:It's feeding.
Speaker A:It's something.
Speaker A:This is what they need to do to survive.
Speaker A:It's not just.
Speaker A:We're not just doing this to be gross, although we are.
Speaker A:It is actually 100% exploitation.
Speaker A:But not the point right now.
Speaker A:But you know what I mean, it's not gratuitous.
Speaker A:It's there for a reason.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:I mean, but the incest is what sort of sets that said gives it that.
Speaker A:What you lose the one liners and now we have better cgi.
Speaker A:I think you can get a great movie.
Speaker B:I think you're totally right.
Speaker B:Definitely.
Speaker B:But you know what you don't have in a remake?
Speaker A:What?
Speaker B:Michelle Ambalong, whatever her name is.
Speaker A:Mason Amic.
Speaker A:You know what?
Speaker A:She could play the mom now.
Speaker B:I wonder.
Speaker B:Yeah, she's.
Speaker B:I heard she was pretty good as the evil.
Speaker B:She's like evil in Riverdale, right?
Speaker A:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker A:I mean she could.
Speaker A:She could.
Speaker A:That would be.
Speaker A:That would be fun that if she broke you.
Speaker A:If you came back.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Thank you.
Speaker A:Thank you, Hollywood.
Speaker A:Get on that.
Speaker B:So you know what somebody brought up too?
Speaker B:From what did they bring up?
Speaker B:Uncle Spooky from the Big Spookarama.
Speaker B:Because they had mentioned earlier that they sensed there were more of these cat creatures out there.
Speaker B:There had to be more.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:And this.
Speaker B:She could smell one of them around there.
Speaker B:The guy, Frank, his name is.
Speaker B:Thought maybe Michelle was one of the crack creatures.
Speaker B:Was going to turn out to be like a.
Speaker B:A baby cat.
Speaker B:Cat creature in the making.
Speaker B:And that was gonna.
Speaker B:But that didn't work out.
Speaker A:No, it didn't work out.
Speaker A:No.
Speaker A:That would be weird.
Speaker B:That would be weird.
Speaker A:Oh, I'm sorry.
Speaker A:I'm sorry.
Speaker A:We ate one of our own.
Speaker A:Oh, no.
Speaker A:Well, then again animals do that too.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:And I could see them doing that in the sequel.
Speaker B:Like I mean in the remake something putting that in there.
Speaker B:We're gonna drop that storyline of where the.
Speaker B:Where's the rest of them?
Speaker B:You are dinner.
Speaker B:We have.
Speaker B:We have a line tonight.
Speaker B:So some of my bingos were.
Speaker B:You are dinner.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Oh, no.
Speaker A:You were lunch.
Speaker A:There was a year.
Speaker A:Just accept the fact that you're lunch.
Speaker F:I don't think you're entering into the spirit of this.
Speaker F:Why don't you just think of yourself as Lunch.
Speaker B:Is it lunch?
Speaker B:God damn.
Speaker A:It was at the picnic.
Speaker A:It was in the picnic scene.
Speaker B:Oh, God.
Speaker A:They might have come back again later.
Speaker A:It was definitely lunch cloud or of cats.
Speaker B:We had to look that up.
Speaker B:Like, what is a.
Speaker B:What's a herd of cats?
Speaker B:It's a clowder.
Speaker A:A clowder of cats.
Speaker B:Yeah, right.
Speaker B:Never heard that one before.
Speaker A:Never heard.
Speaker A:Because this cuz cats don't travel in packs normally except when they sleepwalkers.
Speaker B:She's a hand to a.
Speaker B:Oh, that's.
Speaker B:Whatever I said.
Speaker B:She's a hair too old to play a virgin high school student.
Speaker B:This is just my little notes.
Speaker A:It's very.
Speaker A:It's very, very judgy.
Speaker A:It's very judgy.
Speaker B:Clovis gets an explanation point.
Speaker B:Cl.
Speaker A:Clovis gets the win.
Speaker A:Clovis movie.
Speaker B:I'd say Clovis turns out to be the real star of this movie.
Speaker A:100%.
Speaker A:I would have watched like a whole film series about Clovis.
Speaker A:Like Clovis fighting off the Mafia.
Speaker B:I need a.
Speaker B:I need a sequel with Clovis.
Speaker A:Yeah, he's dead.
Speaker A:He's long dead.
Speaker A:The movie's 30 years old.
Speaker A:Come on, Uncle Spooky.
Speaker B:Well, I appreciate you asking me to do this one.
Speaker A:Oh, you're welcome.
Speaker A:I appreciate you being here for it.
Speaker A:Yeah, because.
Speaker A:And I also.
Speaker A:Thank you.
Speaker A:I also want to say thank.
Speaker A:Thank you.
Speaker A:I mean, granted, you're a recent addition to my list of guests, but I wanted to thank you for coming on.
Speaker A:The show's wrapping up.
Speaker A:You know, we're ending the show in a couple of episodes and.
Speaker B:For good or just for the season?
Speaker A:Oh, no, for good.
Speaker A:I can't continue on doing screenplays I don't have.
Speaker A:I can't keep up with the production levels anymore.
Speaker A:I'm doing the other two shows still.
Speaker A:I'm going to keep doing the Friday the 13th, the series and the 70s TV movie things, but for now, I can't keep up.
Speaker B:Oh, wow.
Speaker B:Too much.
Speaker B:Well, keep me in mind for those 70 TV movies.
Speaker B:I love those.
Speaker B:Those.
Speaker A:Oh, of course, of course.
Speaker A:And also, It's.
Speaker A:It's been 15 years.
Speaker A:I think I've done my job.
Speaker A:I think I've run my course wf.
Speaker A:I've done my job here.
Speaker A:Yeah, but it.
Speaker A:It.
Speaker A:How many episodes?
Speaker B:Yeah, for this.
Speaker B:This one.
Speaker A:I don't.
Speaker A:It's over.
Speaker A:It's over.
Speaker A:300.
Speaker B:Oh, my God.
Speaker B:You got a favorite.
Speaker B:What's your top five?
Speaker A:That's a whole other issue.
Speaker A:That's going to be one of my closing episodes.
Speaker A:I can't Give that away.
Speaker B:Now, I hope I make a guest list.
Speaker B:List.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Well, no, I mean, that's just going to.
Speaker A:Yeah, there's not gonna be a guest.
Speaker B:No.
Speaker B:Top five guests.
Speaker A:Oh, right.
Speaker A:Top five guests.
Speaker A:Yeah, we'll see about that.
Speaker B:Now just keep my name on it.
Speaker A:I, I, I accept bribes.
Speaker A:Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe put something special in your bag of secrets.
Speaker B:I'll take it.
Speaker A:Just for me.
Speaker A:Just for me.
Speaker A:Okay, Uncle Spooky, remind people where they can find out about you and where they can find out more about your spooker.
Speaker B:Well, this Monday, I'll be at the.
Speaker B:Which probably won't be wherever you see it, but it'll be a red eye.
Speaker B:Red eye.
Speaker B:New York for Mardi Gras Massacre.
Speaker A:Yay.
Speaker B:So if you're not doing anything, come on by Monday night.
Speaker A:Do I get, Do I, do I get beads if I show my boobs?
Speaker B:Oh, sure.
Speaker B:Beats just for that moment and.
Speaker B:But normally once a month at Flying Fox Tavern over in Ridgewood, Queens, they do a fabulous hamburger fire island.
Speaker B:I do like a Tuesday night over in Cherry Grove at the Ice Palace.
Speaker B:That's a weekly for July and August.
Speaker B:You happen to be out there, you want to watch a horror movie with your unc.
Speaker B:And then every Monday, I do a stay at home secret stay at home spookorama where it's like a zoom and you can keep your camera on or off.
Speaker B:No pressure.
Speaker B:And we watch a movie together and you guys help me come up with bingo words for the but my blood bingo boards.
Speaker A:For which you will get no credit.
Speaker B:Which you will get absolutely no credit.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker A:Thank you so much, Uncle's Boogie.
Speaker A:Thank you for hanging out with me.
Speaker A:Thank you for talking about this crazy, crazy movie.
Speaker A:And thank you for being you.
Speaker A:Stay healthy, stay safe, and most of all, stay fabulous and stay dead.
Speaker A:Damn you.
Speaker B:I'll do what I can.
Speaker A:Yay.
Speaker A:Yay.
Speaker A:That felt good.
Speaker A:Finally getting to talk about this movie after so long was like getting a hairball.
Speaker A: been stuck in my system since: Speaker A:Thank you again for Uncle Spooky.
Speaker A:That was super fun hanging out with you.
Speaker A:And, oh, hey, the session where I sat down with Uncle Spooky, we recorded that weeks ago.
Speaker A:So all that information he gave gave up about his shows.
Speaker A:A lot of it's obsolete now.
Speaker A:So let me refresh you.
Speaker A:If you want to see Uncle Spooky live, if you want to see what he does in person, you got to come to Ridgewood Queens.
Speaker A:Because every last Sunday of the month, he's at the Flying Fox Tavern hosting his Spookarama scary movie night, where not only will you get to watch a super scary movie with Uncle Spooky, you get to play blood bingo for yourself, for real.
Speaker A:And maybe if you're lucky, you can reach inside Uncle Spooky's bag of secrets and take out a prize.
Speaker A:But if you don't live anywhere in New York City, you can still participate, because every single Monday night, Uncle Spooky hosts a stay at home Spookorama over Zoom.
Speaker A:But it's a super secret Spookorama, so you're gonna have to follow Uncle Spooky on Instagram in order to get that info and his links right down here in the show notes.
Speaker A:So use it, use it, use it, use it.
Speaker A:Of course, this summer he's gonna be at the Ice palace in Fire island, but yes.
Speaker A:So you have your choice of the Flying Fox Tavern live, Zoom, or out on Fire Island.
Speaker A:And as part of your crazy gay summer fun, what are my last thoughts about sleepwalkers?
Speaker A:I don't have any.
Speaker A:It's a pretty much straightforward movie initially.
Speaker A:My big takeaway during this last viewing was, oh, hey, Mason.
Speaker A:Emmett retains her innocence at the end of the movie.
Speaker A:There's still some of that young woman that's still untouched there.
Speaker A:There's not.
Speaker A:They didn't break her down.
Speaker A:They didn't turn her into a machine.
Speaker A:They.
Speaker A:You're not getting Tanya Robertson reborn at the end of the film.
Speaker A:She's still Tanya Robinson, high school student when that movie movies rolling.
Speaker A:And I said, but now as I was editing, I realized, you know what?
Speaker A:Of course that's how it is.
Speaker A:That's what the sleepwalkers feed on.
Speaker A:They feed on innocence, symbolically represented by virginity.
Speaker A:But yes, they feed on innocence.
Speaker A:So if at the end of the movie, you're getting Tanya Robertson reborn, that means the sleepwalkers won.
Speaker A:They just, even though they didn't feed on her innocence, they didn't eat that out of her.
Speaker A:They killed it anyway.
Speaker A:So whatever.
Speaker A:That's my big observation.
Speaker A:That's all I got.
Speaker A:It's a pretty straightforward movie.
Speaker A:There's lots of thoughts about what's going on in the world right now, but I promise we weren't going to do that this time.
Speaker A:No, we're not going to talk about any of that this time.
Speaker A:But please, I just want you to take care of, of yourself.
Speaker A:Do what you need to do to take care of yourself, whatever that may be.
Speaker A:I'm taking kickboxing I'm starting next week because you never know.
Speaker A:Because you never know when it's gonna come in handy.
Speaker A:But so anyway, aside from that, aside from all that other stuff, Patrick, what's going on in these final episodes of Scream Queens?
Speaker A:Well, things got a little funky right now.
Speaker A:There was some scheduling with guests that had to be redone.
Speaker A:And now I've got a bit of a hole in my schedule.
Speaker A:But that's okay.
Speaker A:That's okay.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:But I'll tell you who, the guests that are going to be on these final episodes that have lined up so far, I couldn't end the show without having Allison and Brian back on.
Speaker A:Those crazy kids from California.
Speaker A: Demons, the original one from: Speaker A:Because I think with Allison and Brian, we're gonna get a fun first watch.
Speaker A:And of course, Allison, seeing the Lil Na Quigley lipstick scene is going to be what I've been waiting for for this entire 15 year run.
Speaker A:Well, man, I think we're gonna be able to have a more intellectual, deeper conversation on why do the gays love this movie so much.
Speaker A:And of course, it would not be Scream Queens if I did not say goodbye to my two favorite heterosexuals, my beard brothers, Michael Howey and Christopher Groman.
Speaker A:And here's the funny thing.
Speaker A:We were going to talk about this movie called Hundreds of Beavers.
Speaker A:So there would be funny to send off the heterosexuals with a movie called Hundreds of Beavers.
Speaker A: gue and it's like a big, long: Speaker A:Let's say it's a bad movie.
Speaker A:It's a great movie.
Speaker A:But it was very difficult for me to talk about beaver.
Speaker A:So once again, the heterosexuals brought my show.
Speaker A:So instead we're going to be talking about the Please Don't Destroy movie, the Legend of Foggy Mountain or the Treasure of Fogging you Mountain, whatever it is.
Speaker A:It's something.
Speaker A:Something of Foggy Mountain that's on Peacock.
Speaker A:And why are you picking that, Patrick?
Speaker A:It's not a horror movie.
Speaker A:Well, neither one of them like horror movies.
Speaker A:And this is the closest in vibe to.
Speaker A:To Dave made a maze that I've seen in a long time.
Speaker A:So I thought that would be a good way to say goodbye to those boys.
Speaker A:And of course, I want to say goodbye to the original dynamic duo.
Speaker A:The first two guests that really clicked on the show.
Speaker A:It took it to a new place.
Speaker A:I'm talking about Doug Shapiro, everyone's favorite Freddy Cat and trading.
Speaker A: e gonna be talking about this: Speaker A:Everybody's.
Speaker A:Even Stella Stevens, Ryan McDowell, Elsa Lanchester, Jamie Farts got this crazy, crazy cast.
Speaker A:It's one of those old dark house mystery comics comedy movies where Stella Stevens marries a dead guy in order to, you know, gold dig some money out of the will.
Speaker A:And then all the other.
Speaker A:All the other benefactors of the wheel start getting knocked off in really, really bizarro ways.
Speaker A:And you know how I love a house full of rich cunts that hate each other.
Speaker A:It's one of those movies.
Speaker A:And it's a.
Speaker A:What?
Speaker A:It's a rare movie that I think needs to be seen again.
Speaker A:It's a good way to send them off because, you know, Doug doesn't like scary movies either.
Speaker A:Why do I have so many friends that don't like scary movies?
Speaker A:I don't know anyway, but you do, and that's where you're here.
Speaker A:So I'm going to stop talking now.
Speaker A:Sake.
Speaker A:No, I'm not.
Speaker A:Because basically what all that babble that I just babbled was to say is that I'm not sure which one of those episodes is going to be the next episode, if any of them are going to be the next episode.
Speaker A:I mean, eventually they'll all be coming up, but I'm not sure which one of them will be.
Speaker A:Or I might have something else to stick in there as well.
Speaker A:Stop it.
Speaker A:Behave yourself.
Speaker A:Stop it.
Speaker A:Stop it.
Speaker A:I am not trying to be vulgar right now, believe it or not.
Speaker A:I'm just saying things are up in the air and it's not my legs for a change.
Speaker A:What?
Speaker A:Really?
Speaker A:If you are just going to drag your mind through the gutter like that, then I'm just going to wrap things up for another episode.
Speaker A:All right, my beautiful, beautiful screamers until next time, please, more than ever, please do not forget the Scream Queen's golden rule.
Speaker A:Hold it tight to your heart.
Speaker A:Hopefully it will provide some inspiration to you to get through these really, really bizarro times that we're living in.
Speaker A:Say it with me, everybody.
Speaker A:Fight or flight.
Speaker A:Survive the night.
Speaker A:Make it to the final reel.
Speaker A:Stay safe, stay healthy, and don't forget for a second that I love you.
Speaker A:And I mean all of you.
Speaker A:All of the music for tonight's show, unless otherwise specified, has been written by Sam Haynes.
Speaker A:You can find all of his music@www.bandcamp.com.
Speaker B:Ass.
Speaker B:Ow.
Speaker A:Ew.